Source: LTA

The Land Transport Authority (LTA) announced on Thursday (4 February) that the construction of the Jurong East integrated transport hub will commerce in the Q2 of this year. The construction works are expected to be completed by around 2027.

“With its opening, commuters in the area can look forward to direct connectivity and more convenient transfers between the North-South and East-West Lines and the future Jurong Region Line at the Jurong East station,” LTA noted.

The Jurong East integrated transport hub will consist of community and civic institutions, an office tower as well as a bus interchange.

Additionally, it will also feature a “27-storey tower block connected by a sky bridge to an eight-storey podium block”.

Upon completion, the development will have offices, public facilities and retail spaces. Inclusive facilities will also be added into the complex, which include barrier-free alighting areas and toilets, priority queue zones with seats, as well as a nursing room.

“This is part of the Government’s efforts to create a more caring and inclusive public transport system,” LTA said.

If that’s not all, LTA also revealed that China Communications Construction Company Limited (Singapore Branch) will be awarded S$477.4 million contract to design and build the integrated transport hub.

LTA pointed out that the company “has 15 years of experience in infrastructure construction, specialising in large-scale rail, road and bridge projects.”

It was also reported that the company has already started with construction works at Boon Lay station on the Jurong Region Line and will soon begin working on the Johor Bharu-Singapore Rapid Transit Link viaduct and tunnels.

While the transport hub will be under construction for the next six years, commuters can use the new Jurong East bus interchange, which is located across the road from the current one, on Jusrong Gateway Road.

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