World Health Organization experts on Tuesday cautiously backed delaying second injections of the Moderna coronavirus vaccine in some situations, as they have already done for the...
Three individuals were arrested outside of the Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) building at Buona Vista at about 5.30 pm on Tuesday (26 January) for holding...
An international consumer protection organisation has filed a complaint with the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) this week against a Singapore egg farm that produces eggs for...
Statement by students and supporters protesting anti-LGBT discrimination in and by MOE-run schools, 26 January 2021 We are a group of students and supporters staging a...
A group of students and supporters on Tuesday evening (26 January) assembled outside the Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) building to protest discrimination against LGBT students,...
海鲜盒内藏玄机!一辆载送海鲜的罗厘在经过大士关卡时,遭拦截检查,移民与关卡局人员在海鲜保丽龙盒内起获大量漏税烟。 移民与关卡局今日(26日)于脸书上发文,指在上周五(22日)起获漏税烟。 当时执法人员在大士关卡拦截一辆马国注册的罗厘,内有海鲜并使用保丽龙盒子装。然而在盒内却暗藏玄机,发现了1千530条以及560包漏税烟。 当局也晒出相关照片,从照片可见盒内上层是一些散落的鲜虾作掩饰,然而鲜虾下却有一层塑料,塑料内就是漏税烟。 这起案件已转交给关税局作进一步调查。 当局也表示,类似的手法已非首例,因此引起当局的关注。当局续指,将会持续对乘客、货物、车辆进行例行检查,确保我国的安全。
根据新加坡国防部文告,为加强我国海域防御能力,以及应对日益增加且复杂的海上威胁事故,海军部队已成立海事保安应对遣队(Maritime Security and Response Flotilla,简称MSRF)。 海事保安应对遣队初始将起用四艘“哨卫级”(Sentinel-class)海事保安与应对船艇,以及两艘海事保安与应对拖船。两艘船艇——“哨卫号”和“护卫号”今日起已投入运作。 不过从2026年起,将操作专门打造的新巡逻艇,目前还在开发与设计初期阶段,不过将比“哨卫级”船艇更大型,预计可在海上航行数周。 实则“哨卫级”是由“无惧级”(Fearless-class)巡逻艇改造而成,有更先进的设备包括通讯器材、视觉与音响警示系统、弹道防护等。 海军此举相信也是为了应对包括海上抢劫事故等威胁。 根据亚洲反海盗及武装劫船区域合作协定组织亚洲反海盗及武装抢劫船只区域合作协定组织(ReCAAP)揭露,2016到2018年间,位于新加坡岸外的这块海域共发生17起劫船事件。不过,到了2019年增加到31起。 2020年更是达到34起。 该组织吁请新加坡、马来西亚和印尼等国,加强巡逻和分享讯息,以打击海盗。
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA — Parti Keadilan Rakyat president Anwar Ibrahim on Monday filed a suit against Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and the government, on the grounds...
by Robin Low When will Singapore have a non-Chinese prime minister? It is 2021, and are we still divided by race? To me, the answer is...
It was earlier reported that a member of the public, Harry Ong Heng Poh, had written a ST forum letter complaining about NTUC FairPrice charging high...