India’s anti-trust watchdog has ordered a probe into Google’s payments app over allegations the tech giant is abusing its market dominance. The Competition Commission of India...
The testimony of one of former Changi Airport Group chairman Liew Mun Leong’s chauffeurs during Parti Liyani’s trial revealed that the Liews did not check the...
A Philippine journalist who survived a previous attempt on his life by pretending to be dead was killed outside his home on Tuesday, authorities said, in...
Some nightlife establishments in Singapore will be allowed to reopen under a two-month pilot programme, with mandatory safety measures in place such as requiring customers to...
As of Tuesday noon (10 Nov), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed nine new cases of COVID-19 infection. This brings the total number of infection...
Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) chief Chee Soon Juan took to Facebook on Monday (9 November) to highlight an incident that happened in 1992 where an innocent...
by Richard Sargent/Su Myat Mon After five years without a single Muslim MP, Myanmar is in need of someone to help fight for the rights of...
While public anxieties over potential job loss continue to heighten as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, Next Career Consulting Group founder and managing director Paul...
Singapore’s Law and Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam abused his parliamentary privilege to smear Indonesian national Parti Liyani’s name and cast doubt on the High Court’s...
The United States on Monday imposed sanctions on four more officials accused of curbing freedoms in Hong Kong, vowing accountability over China’s clampdown in the city....