Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) Bryan Lim took to Facebook on Sunday (4 October) to talk about the worrying rodent issue at Woodlands.

Mr Lim noted in the post that a SDP Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC resident said to him that he was not surprised about the rat problem that was reported at Woodlands Civic Centre. This is because in the block that the resident stays, the Woodlands Civic Centre, and the block where residents have seen huge rodents forms a triangular zone.

“A SDP Marsiling – Yew Tee GRC resident had just highlighted to me that he was not surprised about the rat problem reported at Woodlands Civic Centre,” Mr Lim said.

He added, “If we study the map below, the Civic Centre, the block where he stays (Blk 367 Woodlands Ave 5) & the block where residents have also sighted huge rodents (Blk 512 Woodlands Drive 14) actually forms a triangular zone”.

Mr Lim explained that the new Thomson-East Coast MRT line is within the zone, and the construction work for it has resulted in a horrible rat infestation.

“The new Thomson-East Coast line happens to lie within this zone. Residents had shared feedback that ever since the construction works for the new MRT station had started, the rat infestation had only become from bad to worse,” he noted.

Mr Lim also stated that residents have witnessed “horrifying encounters with rodents are as big, if not bigger than the ones spotted at the Civic Centre”.

In response to this, the SDP member said that he had written to the Town Council on 13 September about this matter but have not received a reply as of now.

If that’s not all, Mr Lim also pointed out that he personally spoke to residents about this and even “led an operation to investigate the complaints our team had received”.

Given this worrying situation, Mr Lim appealed to the National Environment Agency (NEA) to look into this matter as this rodent problem will continue to exists if nothing is done about it.

“I will like to appeal to the National Environment Agency (NEA) to take a closer look at this issue as it does not seem that the rodents found at the Woodlands Civic Centre will be the last ones sighted in the zone.”

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