The Singapore People’s Party (SPP) chairman Jose Raymond on Wednesday (1 July) presented its manifesto for the constituency he is standing in, Potong Pasir, looking to make the Single Member Consistency (SMC) a “Silver-Friendly, Green, Active and Caring Town”.

Speaking in the video posted on his Facebook on Wednesday, Mr Raymond said that “Care, Compassion, Collaboration” are central pillars to the vision of his manifesto for Potong Pasir.

“Because Potong Pasir is special. This is a place where heartware, is as important as hardware. It is a Singapore People’s Town and I look forward to serving you all, because Potong Pasir is Hosay!” he asserted.

In the manifesto, the Party’s chairman is proposing to make Potong Pasir a Silver-Friendly Town by providing more jobs opportunities and common spaces for the seniors to keep them active and occupied.

Mr Raymond is looking to set up a Community Geriatric Programme to strengthen and improve access to mental health and disability support for residents. In addition, he plans to conduct a Town Audit for seniors and the physically disabled to identify the physical hazards in the neighbourhood by installing senior and less-abled friendly features.

Apart from this, he also suggests making a Green Town in Potong Pasir by introducing more recycling programmes, roof top gardens, charging units for Electric Vehicles and reusable straws for all residents.

For an Active Town, Mr Raymond aims to bring in sporting and wellness activities in Potong Pasir by opening up more spaces within the neighbourhood for sports activities, linking up with private neighbourhood gyms as well as pioneering a Potong Pasir Sports Ambassadors programme to encourage the residents to stay fit and healthy.

Stressing the importance of Care, he is proposing to make Potong Pasir a Caring Town through a pioneer Care4Citizens programme, which will enable the residents to reach out to them immediately through the online platforms.

He pointed out that a new way of meeting peoples’ needs should be introduced as the current Meet-The-Peoples’ Session (MPS) system is “out of date”.

“On many occasions, residents wait for hours, have an appeal written and then leave without any kind of assurance that their problem will be solved. There needs a different methodology in problem-solving for residents,” he explained.

He went on to say that caring for the residents and their issues means being there for them as soon as possible to help them sort out their issues.

“We are in a modern age in which communication is instant. There must be other means in which we can find customised solutions to help residents – whether through many meetings with residents over the course of a week, or even through making home calls so that the resident is at home and feels comfortable sharing their issues in an environment which is familiar to them.”

On top of the Care4Citizens Programme, Mr Raymond is proposing to expand the Befrienders programme and legal support programme to ensure the residents and seniors that need help will always be supported.

The Party’s manifesto for Potong Pasir is now available on the website.

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