Kumaran Pillai, the Progress Singapore Party (PSP) candidate for Kebun Baru SMC, shared his top seven concerns for the new ward on his Facebook page today (1 July) with care for the elderly topping the list.

Mr Pillai, who was the founder of The Independent Singapore, noted that his concerns that range from those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic – including hawkers and those who have lost their jobs – to low income families living in rental flats, the environment, and local businesses.

He listed them out:

  1. Care for elderly and how we can improve the infrastructure for those who are wheelchair bound. Includes those who are living alone that need additional support and supervision esp if they are living alone in their apartments.
  2. Support for those who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19 and work with the various agencies and private sector to get them back on their feet.
  3. Support for hawkers affected by COVID-19. The hawkers have experienced a fall in revenue. They are not sure whom to turn to for help.
  4. Improve the drainage systems in Thomson and Sembawang Hills and have an active dengue prevention action plan.
  5. Help the lower income families living in rental flats.
  6. Support local businesses and help them with digitization and adoption of ICT.
  7. Educate residents on maintaining a sustainable environment and have programmes to improve recycling.

Mr Pillai said, “These are some of the things in my bucket list”.

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