People should be worry about the People’s Action Party (PAP)’s screening process on choosing its candidates for the upcoming General Election (GE), said Progress Singapore Party (PSP) member Lee Hsien Yang on Saturday (27 June) as he commented on controversy revolving around the PAP’s former candidate Ivan Lim.

Mr Lee, who is the younger brother of the PAP’s Secretary-General Lee Hsien Loong, was speaking to members of the media during his walkabout at Holland Village – which is situated in Tanjong Pagar Group Representation Constituency (GRC) – yesterday.

The new member of PSP made headlines after he joined the alternative party on 24 June, although he is keeping mum on whether he would contest in the upcoming GE.

When Mr Lee was asked to comment on the controversy relating to the PAP’s former candidate Mr Lim on social media, he noted that the PAP “prides itself on the way that they select candidates” but they seem unprepared for the criticisms made against Mr Lim.

“I don’t know whether they knew or didn’t know about some of these issues. If they knew about it, they didn’t seem prepared for it,” he said. “And if they didn’t know about it, then perhaps one should worry that the screening process is not as thorough as it can be.”

Mr Lee believes that the people should also hear from Mr Lim, who has been the subject of the criticisms after being introduced by the PAP on 24 June.

“One has to hear what the person in concern has to say. I think some of the people who gave feedback have also been prepared to come forward. I am only a bystander in this,” he asserted.

Meanwhile, Mr Lim has withdrawn from the GE soon after he made clarifications about the various allegations that have been made against him on social media.

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