As of Sunday noon (24 May), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has preliminarily confirmed an additional 548 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore.
This brings the total tally of infected cases to 31,616.
MOH shares that the vast majority of whom are Work Permit holders residing in foreign worker dormitories. Three cases are Singaporeans/ Permanent Residents.
Further updates will be shared via the MOH press release that will be issued tonight.

More cases to be expected as Singapore aims to test more

As Singapore focuses on ramping up COVID-19 test rates, especially among migrant workers, the country is also looking to diversify its sources of COVID-19 testing resources, said the Ministry of Health, Singapore’s director of medical services Kenneth Mak on Tuesday (12 May).
At the moment, around 3,000 migrant workers living in dormitories are tested for the virus on a daily basis, but the Government wants to increase the testing rate in the next few weeks in order to make sure that these workers are free of the virus before resuming work.
While addressing reporters in a virtual press conference, Associate Professor Mak said that Singapore’s decision to intensify its testing rate is taking place at a time where many countries around the world are also doing the same.
On Tuesday, Singapore announced that it plans to test all 323,000 migrant workers living in cramped dormitories in the country as they make up the biggest chunk of infected cases here.

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因爱狗起纠纷 前基层领袖涉致伤中年汉

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