Good news occurred yesterday (20 April) in Hong Kong as they reported zero new COVID-19 cases for the first time in nearly two months. Despite the positive update, health experts in Hong Kong warned that the risks are still high and social distancing measures and border controls are still expected to take place, as reported on South China Morning Post.
The residents are strongly urged to avoid overseas travelling because the COVID-19 pandemic is “still severe”. To prevent further unwanted spread of the coronavirus, the authorities had emptied a hotel in Kowloon City to convert to a quarantine centre.
It was reported that this quarantine centre was intended to cater to people who are still flying into Hong Kong even if they do not have symptoms of COVID-19.

“The most important component in the government’s anti-epidemic work right now is to stop the import of the virus, as well as its spread in the community,” a government spokesman said.

Hong Kong’s social distancing measures were expected to expire on 23 April, however, a two-week extension had been announced this morning (21 April) by the Chief Executive of Hong Kong Carrie Lam.
Mdm Lam stressed that the anti-epidemic measures cannot stop at present, otherwise all the efforts that Hong Kong has made could be wasted, as reported on The Star.
The implemented social distancing measures in Hong Kong included limiting group gatherings, catering services and shutting multiple types of entertainment venues such as bars and karaoke lounges.
As of yesterday, the total confirmed cases of COVID-19 was at 1,025, and the Department of Health and Hospital Authority cancelled its daily media briefing for the first time since they began doing so continuously from late January.
After weeks of reporting the increase of imported COVID-19 cases as well as local clustered outbreaks, Hong Kong was finally able to see a single-digit daily increase for more than a week. This was due to the effective measures that had been imposed.

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