Image source: Jnzl’s Photos/Flickr

As part of enhanced safe distancing measures against the transmission of COVID-19, SMRT is in discussion with the Land Transport Authority (LTA) on specific measures to limit the number of passengers on SMRT buses.

According to CNA, a notice was circulating on social media stating that bus captains will limit paasengers to a maximum of 10 on a single decker bus and up to 16 passengers on a double decker bus at the interchange starting from Friday (10 April).

To this, SMRT bus operations director Vincent Gay told CNA that the notice was put up “prematurely” by their staff for internal reference. The notice has subsequently been take down.

On Thursday (9 April), LTA announced that it will roll out safe distancing stickers in public transport as an elevated safe distancing measure to heighten social distancing among commuters.

The stickers will be progressively rolled out on all trains, train stations, buses, bus stops, and bus interchanges to mark out spaces and seats that should be avoided by commuters, according to LTA.

Apart from this, LTA is also working with public transport operators to arrange for Transport Ambassadors who will work with LTA enforcement officers and bus captains to ensure commuters comply with the measures.

Others precautionary measures such as temperature screening at selected MRT stations and encouraging members of the public to wear reusable face masks will also be implemented during this ‘circuit-breaker’ period which will last till 4 May.

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