Credit photo – medicalnewstoday

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that those who are exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19 infection should avoid taking Ibuprofen, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

WHO referred to the warning of French Health Minister, Dr Oliver Veran who stated that this type of drug could worsen Covid-19 infections. Dr Veran made this statement in reference to the latest research published in the medical journal named Lancet.

WHO spokesman, Christian Lindmeier said that in line with Dr Veran, the organisation is adopting a similar recommendation.

“In the meantime, we recommend using rather paracetamol, and do not use Ibuprofen as a self-medication. That’s important,” he added.

Mr Lindmeier also emphasized that Ibuprofen should be consumed by patients in accordance with a prescription given by a doctor. In addition, he noted that consumption of paracetamol also must be controlled more closely because it could damage the liver.

Mr Lindmeier made this statement after Dr Veran posted a tweet to emphasize that the use of Ibuprofen and anti-inflammatory drugs could be “an aggravating factor” in Covid-19 infections.



Dr Veran advised in a tweet on Saturday (14 March), “So-called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen worsened symptoms of the illness caused by the coronavirus.”

Ibuprofen is a drug that belongs to the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and is used to reduce pain due to inflammation.

Dr Veran also issued a blunt warning about painkillers taken by people ill with the coronavirus. He stated, “Stay away from drugs like Ibuprofen and aspirin.”

On the other hand, a spokesperson for British pharmaceutical company Reckitt Benckiser, which makes Nurofen, noted in an email statement that the company was aware of concerns raised about “the use of steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) products, including Ibuprofen, for the alleviation of Covid-19 symptoms” but does not believe there is evidence that Ibuprofen aggravates Covid-19.”

“Consumer safety is our number one priority,” the spokesperson asserted, stressing that “Ibuprofen is a well-established medicine that has been used safely as a self-care fever and pain reducer, including in viral illnesses, for more than 30 years.”

“We do not currently believe there is any proven scientific evidence linking over-the-counter use of Ibuprofen to the aggravation of Covid-19,” the statement said.

The spokesperson remarked that Reckitt Benckiser was “engaging with the WHO, EMA (the European Medicines Agency), and other local health authorities” on the issue and would provide “any additional information or guidance necessary for the safe use of our products following any such evaluation”.

In accordance with WHO data as of 18 March, there are currently 184,976 positive cases of Covid-19 globally, with a mortality rate of 7,529 covering 159 infected countries.

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