Source: BI.

As of 16 March 2020, 12 pm, the Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed and verified 17 more cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore. Of these:

  • 11 are imported cases (Cases 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 238, 239, 240, 241 and 243); and
  • Four are linked to previous cases (Case 236 is linked to Cases 142, 211 and 219; Case 242 is linked to Case 166; Case 235 is linked to Case 208; and Case 237 is linked to Case 225); and
  • Two are currently unlinked (Cases 228 and 234).

That makes a total of 243 infected cases in Singapore so far.

About the confirmed cases

Case 227 is an imported case involving a 53-year-old male Singapore Citizen who had been in France from 7 March to 12 March. He is currently warded in an isolation room at the National University Hospital (NUH).

He reported onset of symptoms on 11 March while in France and had presented at the emergency department of NUH on 14 March. Subsequent test results confirmed COVID-19 infection on 15 March afternoon.

He is a staff of Lighthouse Evangelism Church (Tampines Street 82) but had not gone to work since onset of symptoms. He stays at Pasir Panjang Road.

Case 228 is a 67-year-old male Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. He is currently warded in an isolation room at Changi General Hospital (CGH).

He reported onset of symptoms on 3 March and had sought treatment at a general practitioner (GP) clinic and Bedok Polyclinic on 3 March, 11 March and 13 March. He presented at the emergency department of CGH on 13 March. Subsequent test results confirmed COVID-19 infection on 15 March afternoon.

Prior to hospital admission, he mostly stayed at his home at Sea Breeze Avenue except to seek medical treatment.

Case 229 is an imported case involving a 26-year-old female Singapore Permanent Resident who had been in Spain from 14 February to 14 March. She is currently warded in an isolation room at NUH. She is a family member of Case 240.

She reported onset of symptoms on 15 March and had sought treatment at a GP clinic on the same day. She presented at NCID on 15 March, and subsequent test results confirmed COVID-19 infection on 15 March afternoon.

She stays at Kim Keat Road.

Case 230 is an imported case involving a 38-year-old female Singapore Citizen who had been in Eastern Europe from 3 March to 14 March. She is currently warded in an isolation room at the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID).

She reported onset of symptoms on 14 March, and presented at NCID on 15 March. Subsequent test results confirmed COVID-19 infection on 15 March afternoon.

She is employed as an adjunct teaching staff at Republic Polytechnic and Singapore Polytechnic but had not gone to work since onset of symptoms. She stays at Ewe Boon Road.

Case 231 is an imported case involving a 78-year-old male Australian national who is a Singapore Work Pass holder, and had been in the United States from 23 February to 14 March. He is currently warded in an isolation room at the Singapore General Hospital (SGH). He is a family member of Case 232.

He reported onset of symptoms on 4 March. He presented at the emergency department of SGH on 14 March, and subsequent test results confirmed COVID-19 infection on 15 March afternoon.

He stays in the Robertson Quay area.

Case 232 is an imported case involving a 65-year-old female Australian national who is a Singapore Work Pass holder and had been in the United States from 23 February to 14 March. She is currently warded in an isolation room at SGH. She is a family member of Case 231.

She reported an onset of symptoms on 2 March while in the United States. She presented at the emergency department of SGH on 14 March. Subsequent test results confirmed COVID-19 infection on 15 March afternoon.

She stays in the Robertson Quay area.

Case 233 is an imported case involving a 61-year-old male British national who is a Singapore Long Term Pass holder and had been in the United Kingdom from 6 March to 14 March. He was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 16 March morning and is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID.

Case 234 is an 86 year-old male Singapore Citizen who has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. He was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 16 March morning and is currently warded in an isolation room at SGH.

Case 235 is a 31-year-old female Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. She was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 16 March morning and is currently warded in an isolation room at SGH. She is employed as a Medical Social Worker at SGH and is linked to Case 208.

Case 236 is a 30-year-old female Singapore Citizen with no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. She was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 16 March morning and is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID. She is a family member of Case 219 and is linked to Case 142.

Case 237 is a 36-year-old female Indonesian national who is a Singapore Work Pass holder and has no recent travel history to affected countries and regions. She was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 16 March morning and is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID. She is linked to Case 225.

Case 238 is an imported case involving an 83-year-old female Belgium national who arrived in Singapore on 6 March. She was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 16 March morning and is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID.

Case 239 is an imported case involving a 28-year-old male British national who is a Singapore Work Pass holder and had been in France from 7 March to 14 March. He was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 16 March morning and is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID.

Case 240 is an imported case involving a 27-year-old male Singapore Permanent Resident, who had been in Spain from 7 March to 14 March. He was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 16 March morning and is currently warded in an isolation room at NUH. He is linked to Case 229.

Case 241 is an imported case involving a 28-year-old male British national who is a Singapore Work Pass holder and had been in France from 7 March to 14 March. He was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 16 March morning and is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID.

Case 242 is a 64-year-old female Singapore Citizen who had been in Malaysia on 7 March and 8 March. She was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 16 March morning and is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID. She is a contact of Case 166.

Case 243 is an imported case involving a 36-year-old male Singapore Citizen who had been in Germany from 26 February to 29 February, Italy from 29 February to 7 March and Switzerland from 7 March to 14 March. He was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on 16 March morning and is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID.

Update on condition of confirmed cases

To date, a total of 109 cases have fully recovered from the infection and have been discharged from the hospital. Of the 134 confirmed cases who are still in the hospital, most are stable or improving. 13 are in critical condition in the intensive care unit.

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