As of 7 March, there are a total of 21 confirmed cases linked to a private dinner function at SAFRA Jurong held on 15 February.

The case numbers are 94, 96, 107, 112, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134 and 137.

The first case recorded for the SAFRA Jurong cluster, case 94 is a 64-year-old female. She reported onset of symptoms on 11 February and had sought treatment at a general practitioner (GP) clinic on 17 February, 20 February and 24 February. She was referred to SGH on 24 February and was immediately isolated. Subsequent test results confirmed COVID-19 infection on 26 February afternoon.

On that night, there were two Chinese New Year events at the restaurant in SAFRA Jurong, with around 600 attendees.

One of the events is understood to have been organised by Ms Liang Fengyi, a Hokkien music teacher. The other event was organised by another music teacher, “Gaofei“.

And unfortunately, Ms Liang was also confirmed to be infected with COVID-19 yesterday.

Local artist, “Yige” who was emceeing one of the events, shared to the Chinese media that the attendees had been told to be careful and to avoid shaking hands with one another. He also reminded everyone to use public chopsticks for hygiene purposes.

According to SAFRA, those who attended the events, had their temperature checked and did not show any signs of fever or flu.

On the news of Ms Liang’s confirmed infection, “Yige” shared that Ms Liang is just a bit tired and expressed regret at the same time.

As the cases in the cluster linked to the private dinner function held at SAFRA Jurong involved singing activities and classes conducted by the People’s Association (PA) at several community clubs and residents’ committees.

PA has implemented additional precautionary measures from yesterday (7 March) to reduce the risk of further transmission.

The additional measures are:

  • 14-day suspension of all activities and classes attended by the confirmed cases at the affected community clubs and residents’ committees. These are mostly singing classes, but include a small number of other activities like line dancing and qigong.
  • 14-day suspension of all PA-organised singing classes at the affected community clubs and residents’ committees.

The current list of affected community clubs and residents’ committees is:

Community Clubs
•  Bukit Batok Community Club
•  Bukit Panjang Community Club
•  Chua Chu Kang Community Club
•  Jurong Green Community Club
•  Keat Hong Community Club
•  Nanyang Community Club
•  Zhenghua Community Club

Residents’ Committees
•  Ayer Rajah Zone 3 Residents’ Committee
•  Bukit Panjang Zone 4 Residents’ Committee
•  Bukit Panjang Zone 6 Residents’ Committee
•  Bukit Panjang Zone 7 Residents’ Committee
•  Hong Kah North Zone 4 Residents’ Committee
•  Nanyang Zone 4 Residents’ Committee
•  Teck Ghee Zone J Residents’ Committee
•  Yew Tee Zone 8 Residents’ Committee

Epidemiological investigations and contact tracing of the cluster are ongoing, and further measures may be taken as needed.

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