Source: Choa Chu Kang MRT

The MRT trips between Choa Chu Kang MRT and Jurong East MRT stations were extended to 20 minutes this morning (13 February) due to a track fault along the North-South line.

At 9.24 am, SMRT Corporation announced on Twitter about the delay and said the operator will provide free regular buses between both stations.

Not long after, SMRT Corporation posted another tweet to announce that the track fault had been cleared and the train service has resumed. The free regular buses ended and it also apologized for the delay.

However, a commuter responded to the tweet and said he did not notice any free bus being provided at Bukit Gombak station and ended up using the MRT instead.

Another commuter commented that there was no staff to guide the commuters and the full fare was deducted for traveling from Bukit Gombak to Jurong East station. 

Some commuters also voiced out their frustration on Twitter about the instructions given by SMRT and questioned the availability of the free buses.

Another disrupted MRT trip that was caused by a track fault happened on 19 July 2019, when the train service on the North East line experienced a delay for about two hours due to a track fault at HarbourFront MRT station, The Straits Times reported.

On 31 May 2019, the North-South line also experienced a short delay at around 8 am in the morning due to a track fault at Ang Mo Kio which had caused the delays in the Southbound service towards Marina South Pier.   

However, on 2 January, Transport Minister Khaw Boon Wan indicated 2019 as a “very good year” for the MRT and “2020 will be better”. 

The Minister announced the renewal programme for the North-South and East-West MRT lines will cost more than S$2.5 billion which includes a replacement of the power supply system, track circuits, and first-generation trains. 

According to the Minister, the first phase of the renewal involved replacing the rail sleepers, third rail and signalling systems of the two lines which are more than 30 years old, having been opened in 1987.

He also announced that the second phase of the programme was already underway. The renewal programme started in 2013 and is expected to be completed by 2024. 

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