Worker cuts meat butcher handling cuts of prime choice cuts from

Yuan Yong Fong Seafood Pte Ltd was fined a total of $12,000 by the Court on Wednesday (8 Jan) for the storage and possession of meat and seafood products for the purpose of sale that was stored illegally in an unlicenced cold store, said the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) in a press release.

In the same press release, SFA also noted that another company, Supreme Aquarium Pte Ltd, was fined $2,000 for allowing Yuan Yong Fong Seafood Pte Ltd to operate the cold store on their premises illegally without a cold store licence.

In July 2019, the agency said that its officers found that Yuan Yong Fong Seafood Pte Ltd had been operating a cold store without a valid license and sold meat and seafood products which were illegally stored at the unlicensed cold store.

According to the agency, a total of about 970 kg of frozen meat and seafood products was found in the cold store.

All of the products were seized, it noted.

Illegal storage of meat/seafood at unlicensed facilities poses food safety risks. In Singapore, all meat and/or seafood storage facilities must be licensed, and are required to meet SFA’s requirements and food safety standards.

Offenders who illegally store meat and/or seafood products shall be liable on conviction to a maximum fine of $10,000 and/or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year.

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