Following the unsurprising exit of former education minister, Dr Maszlee Malik, Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) the supreme council members have affirmed their intention of having...
A medical clinic in Bangkok opened Monday offering free cannabis oil to hundreds of Thais seeking relief from cancer, insomnia and muscle pain as the government...
Indonesians were told on Monday to brace for more heavy downpours after record rains triggered flooding and landslides that authorities said had killed at least 66...
A sugar baby is a person who receives benefits financially and materialistically in exchange for a relationship. A sugar daddy or mummy is the one who...
In a Facebook post on 2 January (Thursday), the Law Breakers stated that dogs, bicycle and even personal mobility device (PMD) are spotted in a nature...
Beijing’s new top envoy to Hong Kong said he hoped the protest ravaged city would “return to the right path” as he took up his post...
by Glenda KWEK Reserve troops fanned out across fire-ravaged regions in three Australian states on Monday after a horror weekend, as the government pledged $1.4 billion...
On Friday (3 January), the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) has submitted its application to cancel the three correction directions issued by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM)...
贸工部长陈振声认为,新加坡人应携手面对全球竞争,公民和永久居民之间不应是竞争关系,也呼吁拒绝炒作仇外情绪。 他告诉国会,政府需取得平衡,既不能“大开闸”,也不能关掉关卡不准外籍人士来工作。 “太少外籍工人,意味着我们的企业无法抓住机遇;太多了就会面对挞伐,特别是当国人感到被不公对待。这是无休止的平衡且难以取舍。” 陈振声又意有所指地指出“要拒绝那些透过传播假消息或制造不满,来炒作仇外情绪的努力。” “这不是我们想要的政治,这不是有信心和能力的新加坡应该面对的未来。” 陈振声是在国会答复议员提问,包括有关在2016年推行、耗资达45亿新元的23个工商领域工业转型蓝图(ITM),如何让国人受惠。 毕丹星质询公民和永久居民就业率对比 阿裕尼集选区议员毕丹星则询问,从2015至2018年,新加坡公民和永久居民就业率的对比。他也提及通常政府把“本地人”都涵括公民和永久居民。 对此,陈振声直言“我可以给你数据,但这么问背后意义又是什么?” “本地失业率有提升吗?很明显不是…我们的薪资增长了吗?肯定的,且比起其他国家更快。这都说明我们为国人做的是对的。” 他表示对于“新加坡人和国人”对立的观点保持谨慎,这似乎在暗示国人没有从中受益。 与此同时,国家发展部兼人力部政务部长扎吉哈也揭露,从2015年至2018年,不包括外籍女佣在内,上述领域就业人数增长达1万9500人。 其中上述三年增加的新工作,公民增长39300人,而永久居民8600人。至于外籍人士减少2万8500人。 陈振声也强调三年内本地整体经济就业人数增加6万人,而PMET占比也增加达57巴仙,是全球最高的比率。 他也指出,本地人在此期间年增长3.2巴仙,比起2015年之前三年的2.4巴仙增长还要高,以及高于其他经济体如美国(0.5巴仙)、日本(0.8巴仙)和德国(1.2巴仙)。 陈振声告诉荷兰-武吉知马选区议员连荣华,政府理解国人对于就业的焦虑,故此也着重于未来技能计划(SkillsFuture)、应变与提升计划(Adapt and Grow Initiative)等计划,同时透过公平考量框架(FCF),惩处那些不当雇佣的雇主。 他表示政府追求经济增长是为了改善国人生活,也相信国人理解和支持政府决定。 “与此同时,我们理解议员提问背后所反映的焦虑情绪。但负责任领袖应要缓解这些焦虑,而不是利用这些恐惧来获取政治利益。”
It was reported that at an Edusave award ceremony in Ang Mo Kio on Saturday and Sunday (4-5 Jan), Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong told everyone...