Photo from ST

The Police informs members of the public that a message circulating online which claims that it’s an offence for pedestrians to use their mobile phones while crossing the roads is, in fact, false.
The message stated that those who commits the offence may be fined up to S$1,000 from 1 December 2019 onward.
Refuting this claim, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) clarified in a Facebook post on Wednesday (18 December) that it’s not an offence for pedestrians to use a mobile communication device when crossing the road.
“However, we advise pedestrians to avoid using such devices when crossing the road, as such usage would distract them from the road conditions and the movement of vehicles around them,” it wrote.
It also stressed that pedestrians should apply caution at all times, and look after their safety as well as the safety of others. 
The Police also warned “members of the public not to spread unsubstantiated information which may cause public alarm”.
For those who are unaware, amendments to the Highway Code kicked in on 1 December 2019, and include three major guidelines for the public to follow.
The first is that road users should give way to emergency vehicles, and those who fail to do so may be fined up to S$200 and given four demerit points.
The second is a reminder that personal mobility devices (PMDs) and personal mobility aids (PMAs) are not allowed to be used on roads. It added that all users of active mobility devices must adhere to the stipulated paths and speed limits.
Lastly, the amendment also reminds pedestrians to avoid using mobile devices when crossing the roads, however, no fine will be imposed when they do so.
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