Campus view in Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. NTU is one of the two largest public universities in Singapore from

A student of the Nanyang Technology University (NTU) has been expelled after he allegedly took a video of a woman showering on campus using his mobile phone.
Chinese national Han Shiyu, 17, is accused of insulting a 20-year-old woman’s modesty when he committed the offence on 12 August this year at around 9.20pm.
The Straits Times (ST) reported that the University confirmed in a statement that the teenager was expelled in October.
“The University takes a zero-tolerance approach towards harassment and takes all cases of misconduct involving harassment seriously,” the spokesman said.
“Students who are found guilty of misconduct face disciplinary proceedings that include expulsion from the university.”
The teenager appeared before District Judge Adam Nakhoda on Monday (2 December), and is set to return to court on 23 December. Han, who will turn 18 later this month, was offered bail of S$15,000.
For each count of insulting a woman’s modesty, offenders can be jailed for up to a year and fined.
Following the case of a Peeping Tom earlier this year at the National University Singapore (NUS), the NTU spokesman said that the university had strengthen its procedures and policies on harassment in January.
On 18 April 2019, Monica Baey, an undergraduate student from NUS took to her Instagram account to call out the school for trying to protect the man who had filmed her in the shower.
According to her posts, Ms Baey had been filmed in the shower by male student. She made a police report immediately following the incident and the perpetrator was identified, along with CCTV and video evidence of him committing the act.
Unfortunately, following an investigation, the man in question was said to be only slapped with a 12-month conditional warning.
Frustrated with the sentence given by the police, Ms Baey then approached NUS to push for a stronger punishment from the school but the only thing they did was to forward her a letter of apology from the perpetrator.
As for Han’s case, he was just one of the few tertiary students who appeared in court this year over the offence.
A 22-year-old Singaporean man from a renowned university in Britain was charged with two counts of insulting a woman’s modesty on 2 October this year. His name was not revealed due to a gag order in order to protect the victims’ identities.
It appears that the man placed video-recording devices to record the women taking a bath at Orchard Hotel.
Separately, another NUS student Joel Rasis Ismail, 26, was brought to court on 13 May after he allegedly filmed a fellow student showering on campus.
If that’s not all, another 26-year-old male is accused of filming upskirt videos of women as well as video of them showering in a local university.
All three cases involving these men are still pending.

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