Singapore hanged a Malaysian heroin trafficker on Friday, despite appeals from his homeland to stay a “heart-wrenching” execution that critics said was too extreme for a...
The right to sexual freedom or privacy is not inherently enshrined in the Singapore Constitution, and the legality of various forms of voluntary sexual conduct “are...
by Jacques CLEMENT Black shadows flitting around in small groups, deserted rubbish-strewn corridors and cockroaches in disemboweled kitchens: dawn broke on Friday to reveal a post-apocalyptic...
Several Indonesian ministries are banning pregnant, disabled, or LGBT job hunters in favour of what one called “normal” applicants, the Ombudsman said Friday, slammed as “arbitrary...
Consumer confidence in Singapore has sunk to a two-year low according to Conference Board Global Consumer Confidence Survey, in collaboration with global data firm Nielsen, as...
All personal mobility device (PMD) riders, particularly those who are food-delivery riders, are encouraged to come together for a peaceful rally this Saturday (23 Nov) at...
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong released an open letter through the People’s Action Party website yesterday (21 Nov) asking Singaporeans to work with him and the...
The People’s Action Party (PAP)’s mission “to build a fair and just society” for all “has not changed” since its inception, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien...
声称公司周转不灵,前男友在2015年借走三万多元,但仍有欠款拖欠至今。无奈下女子报警、找讨债公司帮忙要回款项,甚至于诉诸法律,要求前男友还款仍无果。 2014年底,来自中国的事主陈雅双,在他人介绍下认识了建筑公司业主,43岁的王韵川,两人很快发展成情侣。 2015年5月,王韵川声称其公司周转不灵,需要向陈雅双借三万元;以及同年3月15日,声称称要到美国卖房子来还钱需要现金,于是开了张6200元的支票,跟陈雅双换7千元现金。 不过陈雅双在2016年4月8日前往银行兑现,不过被告知支票跳票。感到受骗,陈雅双愤而报警。此后陈雅双也通过讨债公司追债,仍不得要领。 找讨债公司追债 陈雅双把此事带上法庭,也申请得传讯令状(Writ of Summons)要求王韵川面对诉讼。 根据当时的诉状,王韵川在2016年4月至6月间,归还了4500元给雅双,但即便如此仍积欠高达3万余元。 事主提供誌期2016年11月29日的法庭判决,基于被告王韵川未出庭,而被判需支付被告3万1500元、附加5.33巴仙利息以及法庭费用1千元。 今年再度报警 当时这宗个案也获得《新明日报》报导。当时陈雅双指自己已找过律师、发律师信追讨欠款,然而对方无动于衷。 据报导,当时王韵川指自己已每月定期还1000元,还了7个月,但反指陈雅双“出言不逊”,甚至要求后者写道歉信才还钱;也指当时陈借钱时两人是男女朋友关系,也没立下字据。 事主在本月19日,再度前往报警,陈雅双指过去数年自己也数次到过王韵川住处索讨欠款,但后者仍拒绝还钱。
On the eve of a visit by Pope Francis to Japan, activists called Friday on the government to declare a moratorium on executions as part of...