Preeti and Subhas Nair performing at the PinkDot Rally 2019. (Photo: Rachel Ng, Source: Pink Dot SG)

“When you imply someone is a liar and call someone a racist, you are giving license to everyone in Singapore to call these people those same words,” says rapper Subhas Nair.
In an interview with VICE journalist Eduardo Liotta, Singaporean influencer Preeti Nair and her rapper brother Subhas Nair talked about the recent ‘brownface’ scandal which resulted in the pair being slapped with a two year conditional probation by the police.
After seeing an ad by E-Pay which featured Chinese-Singaporean actor Dennis Chew portraying four different characters including an Indian man for which he donned artificially darkened skin, the duo put out a rap video.
The video, which featured a remix of Iggy Azalea’s “Fuck It Up”, drew attention to the issue of discrimination in Singapore society, specifically calling out the majority Chinese for exploiting minorities for financial gain.
Subhas explained in the interview that the E-Pay ad was cultural appropriation and exploitation, but this time on a corporate level. He felt that he “couldn’t let it go”, which is why the pair decided to release the video.
Preeti told VICE that the video blew up on social media while she was on a flight to Bali. By the time she landed, she found out that the video has gone viral and was now being investigated by the police.

Giving license for racism

One contentious point of this whole scandal was the duo’s first apology which was a spoof of the apology put out by the company behind the controversial ad, Havas.
Preeti and Subhas used similar language to Havas’ apology and didn’t miss the chance to throw some shade, again shining a light on the issue of discrimination.
The government, however, was not impressed. The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) quickly released a statement to condemn the rap video, describing the lyrics as “blatantly false” and claiming it was racists against the Chinese in Singapore.
“This spoofing is a pretence of an apology, and in fact shows contempt for the many Singaporeans who expressed concern at their blatantly racist rap video,” said MHA.
Subhas said to VICE: “When a ministry releases a public statement, what kind of license does it give people? When you imply someone is a liar and call someone a racist, you are giving license to everyone in Singapore to call these people those same words.”
Explaining why they chose to mirror Havas’ apology, Preeti said ”It’s been a lifetime of shitty apologies from people who have painted their face brown, it’s been so exhausting. I wasn’t going to let another shitty corporate apology go.”
Subhas added that he wasn’t keen on apologising to begin with as he considers it his duty to stand up for things like this. “It’s the most hip-hop thing to do, to use music to get people thinking, talking, and questioning power,” he explained.

The slippery slope goes both ways

The release of the video sparked a national-level debate about racism and the social divide between ethnicities in multi-cultural and multi-racial Singapore where the majority race is Chinese.
On whether they were expecting the video to have such a big impact, Preeti said that she thought people would like it because “it’s a catching song and it speaks the truth”. However, she wasn’t hoping for any specific outcome, adding “I call out a lot of bullshit, so it was normal.”
Subhas, on the other hand, said he did it for his people. He explained, “I did this for people who look like me who may not be able to articulate their anger and frustration; those who needed a soundtrack to that feeling. They needed to know that artists like Preeti and myself are always going to use our platforms.”
The rapper continued, “When I spoke to the police, I told them, “If we didn’t have a song like this, it could have been a lot worse. The slippery slope can go down both ways. It’s not fair that you get to determine which side it goes.” You can’t say this will lead to hundreds of videos, when this could also have become something actually dangerous if we did not have a tension release like this… this shit builds up.”
In a statement, the police said that investigations were launched after reports were filed against the duo’s video, noting that “The video was in clear contravention of the Penal Code. If this video were to be allowed, then similar expletive-laden, insulting, offensive videos, targeted at all communities will have to be allowed.”
Talking about the investigation process itself, Subhas and Preeti said they spent hours in the police station answering questions. While Preeti was in Bali, Subhas spent 4-5 hours in the police station on the day the video went out, giving them a lyric breakdown.
He cheekily told VICE, “I was called down to the police station and they asked me for a lyric breakdown of the song. I told them I usually charge for a lyric breakdown, but I’m trying to avoid a charge, so I’ll do this free of charge.”
When Preeti arrived back in Singapore, she was held at the airport for close to an hour as the police verified details of her trip to Bali. The next day, she said, she and Subhas spent 9 hours being questioned at a police station about their intentions behind the video, who came up with the ideas, and explanations about what it all meant.
“I had to explain each lyric and visual, and sometimes, the visual was us pointing a middle finger and I had to explain what it meant,” she said.

Western influence over Singaporean issues

The interviewer then delved into what the pair thinks about those who say they are influenced by politics in America. Preeti explained, “I don’t think this song would have existed if I wasn’t in Singapore. So it’s very [unfair] to immediately try and disassociate from it and be like “Oh it has to be because of the pop culture references and the West references. We didn’t teach this in school so we don’t know where Preeti and Subhas learned this from.”
Preeti added that she also despises the argument that ‘brownface’ is a Western phenomenon.
“Like sure, the conceptual idea originated in America, but the act of painting yourself a different skin colour is fucked up,” she said.
“Can we acknowledge that? Whether it’s blackface, brownface, yellowface or whiteface, it’s whack. You can’t say brownface is not a Singaporean thing. You are making it a Singaporean thing by doing it.”
Subhas then chimed in with an similar argument of how people don’t seem to mind when local radio stations ‘borrow from the West’ given that their airplay is American pop music.
Later, Subhas described what it’s like being a minority in Singapore and how some people do not speaking up about discrimination or racism they’ve experienced:
“It’s scary being the only brown person in a Chinese dominant space, and there are far too many spaces like that. If someone is coming up after this and saying ‘I face this and this but I don’t speak about it. Why should you?’ then you are complicit in your oppression.”
Though he added that it’s ok to not say anything, acknowledging that there are power and privilege asymmetries between brown people too.
He went on to say, “I grew up hating my Indian-ness because there was not much for me to look up to and aspire to be. Today, I’m living my best life because I love my sister, my mom, myself. I have forgiven myself and those around me. So by just existing and creating, we are fighting something bigger than us.”
That, he says, is why they made the second, more sincere apology.
“It was unfair to the allies and to those standing in solidarity fighting those online battles.”
When asked what they’ve learnt from this experience, Subhas said that justice has to be redefined in Singapore, adding that the way forward starts with dialogue.

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网友Simon Lim: 我想指出上周有关“收受红包的火葬场工作人员,被严厉警告的事件作出评论,以下皆为我个人评论。 我国贪污调查,一向以对贪污“零容忍”原则获得美誉并闻名世界。对我们而言,贪污调查局确实恪尽职守,而他们也值得任何的赞扬与鼓励。不过,我亦希望他们能在执法时融入更多的人性与弹性。我想要强调的是,弹性并不代表与贪污妥协。 对大部分家庭而言,每当有家庭成员离开,本就会经历悲伤与痛苦。我记得当我的家庭成员离世时,我的家人与亲戚都经历了紧张、痛苦等高度的情绪消耗。我也相信这也会发生在其他的家庭中。 当葬礼结束后,家属想为一路陪同的、尽责的工作人员送上万分的感谢,所以很自然地选择赠送“红包”给低收入的火葬场员工,向他们表达内心的感恩与感谢。 我想要明确指出,任何欲向家属要求、或暗示红包之行为是绝对不能接受的,但禁止低收入的火葬场工作人员接受来自家属自愿性的“红包”也相当不可取。毕竟他们从事常人忌讳的工作,但仍专业地提供相当有效的服务,同时也兼顾那些家属的需求。 因此,我建议任何来自家属自愿性的“红包”应与每月月底平分,由火葬场工作人员平均获得。这样以来,家属的善意与感激之情在不被剥夺下,又不违反法律,同时亦能激励低收入火葬场工作人员的动力,同理家属的失去并提供更有品质的服务,成为双赢的关键。 我希望相关当局不仅仅是成为冷冰冰的机器,缺乏考虑人性与深度理解生命的意义。三思而后行! 出自网友Simon Lim,原文请看

【选举】行动党候选人林绍权被踢爆其实“很好练” 马善高:可自证清白

人民行动党在短短三天的线上新闻发布会上介绍了27名准候选人,更指他们都拥有亮眼的成就,但是准候选人之一的林绍权却被网民打脸,揭发他是精英主义者,实则性格“很好练”。马善高对此表示,若候选人以往有任何行为引起争议,准候选人应该站出来自证清白。 在6月24日,由行动党第一助理秘书长王瑞杰主持的介绍会上,准候选人吉宝岸外与海事总经理的林绍权(42岁),他自从完成O水平教育后,就进入了吉宝岸外与海事公司就业,并且获得考取文凭和学位的奖学金。 当林绍权被介绍为行动党候选人时,一些网民揭发,指前者实为一名“精英主义”者。 有网民发文,指林在新加坡武装部队服务时“表现得高高在上”,与其展现的朴实形象不符合。 另一名自称是林绍权新加坡理工学院同窗,兼吉宝岸外公司同事的网民,更指林绍权“傲慢且冷漠无情”。 也有网民揶揄,林绍权“自私”、“固执”,有时还很“好练”(福建方言,形容一个人爱炫耀) 随着这些评论的出现,引发了人们对行动党在甄选过程和林绍权人品的质疑和评论,也瞬间提高了人们对林绍权的关注。 行动党副主席马善高在今日(26日)的记者会上指出,他认为若准候选人过去的行为引起争议,应该站出来自证清白。 惟,他指出,几乎每回行动党介绍新人,都会引起一些争议,但是准候选人不应该因为以前的一些经历或时段,来定义和判断他的整个人生。 他表示,准候选人若在以往曾做过什么,那么未来就可以是他们赎罪的一个机会。 他强调,该党的新人都拥有良好的优秀领袖素质,相信他们未来会真诚地为民服务。