Source: Google map screengrab.

The Manpower Ministry (MOM) defended itself in mainstream media this week (‘Different method used to calculate CPF payout sums: MOM‘, 8 Jul) saying that it uses a different method to calculate the CPF payouts under the national CPF Life Scheme.
MOM’s comments came in light of a recent study conducted by a team of researchers from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYPP) at NUS two months ago. The team led by Assistant Professor Ng Kok Hoe found that an elderly Singaporean above 65 years old would need $1,379 a month in order to meet his or her basic needs.
In particular, the team found that the household budgets necessary to meet basic needs were $1,379 per month for single elderly households, $2,351 per month for elderly couples, and $1,721 per month for a person aged 55 to 64 years old. Note that the amounts assume the elderly senior is in good health.
The sums were derived from focus group discussions involving more than 100 participants from diverse backgrounds, and using a consensus-based methodology known as Minimum Income Standards (MIS). Participants generated lists of items and services that were deemed a basic need through a common consensus. Each item or service was only included if participants agreed that it was a basic need, and could explain why it should be included.
These included personal care items as well as leisure and cultural activities, as participants agreed that basic needs go beyond subsistence. Household budgets were then determined from these lists.
Prof Ng said, “Such income standards can help by translating societal values and real experiences into unambiguous and substantive benchmarks that policy can aim for.”
MOM behaves defensively
Instead of welcoming the study done by the LKYPP’s team in order to help chart future policy changes, MOM defended itself explaining that it uses a “different” method in arriving the CPF payout sums – monthly income for those above 65 to survive in Singapore.
Mr Shaun Goh, Director for Retirement Systems at MOM, commented that the study was “useful for personal goal-setting and retirement planning”. However, the methodology used by LKYPP is fundamentally different from the Government’s method of arriving at payout sums under the CPF Life Scheme, he said.
Goh did not say if MOM agrees with the proposed $1,379 as a baseline figure for old age requirement. He said CPF retirement sums and corresponding payouts have been established by examining actual expenditure patterns reflected in the Household Expenditure Survey (HES), which is conducted once every five years.
This was done at the advice of experts from the CPF Advisory Panel, Goh noted. “Individuals’ needs vary, and members should plan for their retirement based on their estimated monthly income required,” he added.
Those who expect to spend more in retirement may also set aside more savings in their CPF, and Singaporeans can supplement their CPF payouts with other income sources such as private savings, and family, community and government support, he said.
Of course, Goh forgot to mention that another income source is for elderly Singaporeans with insufficient CPF payouts to continue to work till they drop dead. Already, Senior Minister of State for Health Amy Khor wants more elderly Singaporeans to continue working in the name of “offsetting” the low birth rates in Singapore.
“This brings opportunities for greater labour force participation at older ages, and is important for a country like Singapore where birth rates are relatively low,” she said at an international conference recently.
CPF BRS’ monthly payout less than $800
Currently, the monthly payout under the Basic Retirement Sum (BRS) corresponds to the average expenditure of retiree households per household member for the 21st to 40th percentile.
For BRS, CPF members would need to pledge their property to CPF Board. For those turning 55 this year, the BRS is $88,000 and the monthly payout from 65 is a mere $700+.

Many elderly can’t even meet the BRS. For example, Lim Koh Leong, 60, whose plight was highlighted on social media recently only has $70,000 in his CPF. He wanted to take $15,000 out to fund his daughter’s education but was rejected by CPF Board. In the end, he sought help from his family members.
So, in Mr Lim’s case, in 5 years’ time when he hit 65, his monthly payout would likely to be less than $700, since he couldn’t even meet the BRS.
Obviously, those who can’t work or are drawing only few hundred dollars of measly CPF payout every month would be forced to lower their monthly expenses considerably.
For example, it was reported in the media last year that housewife Chuang Pek Yah, 62, who lives in a condo in Bukit Timah, resorted to dimming the ceiling lamp to save utility expenses. She was even considering doing laundry every other day instead of daily. Similarly, 46-year-old taxi driver Kent Chia was “extra mindful” of his household expenditure and his family tried hard to “save where [they] can”.
Perhaps Director Goh expects elderly Singaporeans to use public toilets in coffee shops and hawker centers to save on water, soap and toilet paper for their call of nature. For food, perhaps he expects our seniors to eat grass everyday, helping NPark to save on manpower to cut grass at the same time.

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李光耀公共政策研究院前副院长刘浩典教授,本月16日在《南华早报》发表评论。他认为新加坡政府做了三个重要、且事后看来是错误的决策。但他也希望经此一疫,新加坡能摒弃掉多年来我们当中的许多人都表现出的——自以为是,傲慢自大,和很强的自我优越感。 首个错误决策,是因为初步评估判断冠状病毒19严重程度更接近猪流感(或H1N1),而不是SARS,这使得政府决定不关闭学校、停工停业。 其二,倡导人民不戴口罩。其三是尽管客工亦重组织已警告,客工宿舍拥挤环境恐成为防疫弱点,但当局未采取强制性、果断措施来管理。 刘浩典相信新加坡仍将挺过这场危机,感染人数成千上万,但死亡率应很低,再者政府已积极进行检测。 “我更担心的是,新加坡人会从这场危机中吸取错误的教训。” 他指出,尽管人民行动党不反对多样化观点和持不同政见者,不过坚持危机中人们应团结支持当局,异议争辩且暂时搁置。 但这种观点只对了一部分。危机中决策者面临的最大认知威胁不是缺乏团结,而是困在危机太久而产生狭隘视野。 “此外,面对一个前所未有、完全不熟悉的威胁时,我们现存的经验和机制可能都不足以应对,这使得政府倡导多元化变得更为重要,或者至少要对各种异议保持开放的心态。” 正如武汉的李文亮医生在去世前曾说:“一个健康的社会不该只有一个声音。”事实证明,那些一直呼吁政府为外籍劳工改善恶劣生活环境的人是正确的。他们就如李文亮医生一样,扮演着吹哨人的角色,尽管他们的观点不见得获得广泛认可。 以下为转载自香港科技大学微信号的中文版译文: 过去三个月内由于疫情原因,我一直在香港,这给我一个非常难得的机会从外部观察新加坡,观察一贯表现出色的新加坡政府如何在抑制新冠病毒传播的战役中挣扎,尤其是对众多低收入劳工居住(现已封闭隔离)的宿舍疫情防控的失败。新加坡人民行动党(PAP)政府应该为日益严峻的疫情承担什么责任? 到目前为止,很明显,新加坡政府做了三个重要的、且事后看来是错误的决策(包括不作为的决策)。…