Last Oct, it was announced that Ms Quah Ley Hoon, 42, would assume the position of Chief Executive of the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) in Jan this year.

According to her LinkedIn information, she was working as a Director at the Ministry of Finance from 2010 to 2013 before going to Channel NewsAsia to become its Chief Editor of English Current Affairs. She worked there for about 5 years from 2013 till the end of last year. She started her new position as MPA Chief about 3 months ago.

Last Thu (11 Apr), barely half a year into her job, she gave an interview to Business Times, saying that she wants to change the “perception” of the sector (“MPA’s first woman CEO wants to change perception of sector“).

Apparently, BT also reported that her “public relations handlers” wanted to present her as the first woman Chief Executive of MPA to the media, never mind if she hasn’t had any experience in the marine industry.

Indeed, popular blogger Philip Ang wrote on his blog wondering how someone with “kosong” (zero) experience in the marine industry can change the perception of the marine sector:

“It is not known how the former CNA chief editor and director at MOF will help change the perception of the maritime sector,” Mr Ang wondered.

Perhaps the government thinks that Ms Quah, like the rest of former SAF generals and admirals, are superhuman who could do anything thrown at them.

What do you think?


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