Source: SG Road Vigilante – SGRV.

A regular from the Tuas naval base passed away after being hit and rolled over by a bus on Monday (28 January) at around 4.30pm.

TOC understands that the bus is the one ferrying servicemen from the Tuas Naval Base to a particular MRT station.

The accident took place at Gul Road, as marked on the map below.

SG Road Vigilante posted the pictures of the deceased on its Facebook page which is graphical as it showed brain matter being splashed over the ground.

Source: SG Road Vigilante – SGRV.
Source: SG Road Vigilante – SGRV.

It also posted the video of the bus being impounded at Seletar for further investigation and was escorted by Singapore Traffic police.

A family friend posted a request for witnesses or anyone with camera footage on Kok Chung Chong’s Facebook post regarding the incident.

Charmaine Chew wrote, “Looking for witnesses or anyone with camera footage of the following Accident at:
– Gul Road
– 28 Jan 2019, Monday
– Around 6pm to 7pm
– Involving bike FBJ1912K
Need to find out what happened to my good friend/brother/travel buddy/father of 2
Please contact me at 8188 7458 if you have any info or know anyone who may have info.
(This is at the request of the victim’s family).
In addition, Please share and repost.
Thank you.”

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