Singapore’s Self-Propelled Howitzer at New Zealand

A Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Operationally Ready National Serviceman, Corporal First Class (National Service) [CFC (NS)] Pang Wei Chong, Aloysius, 28, an Armament Technician from the 268th Battalion Singapore Artillery, sustained serious injuries to his chest and abdominal areas while carrying out repair works on a Singapore Self-Propelled Howitzer.

The Ministry of Defence said in a press release that the incident happened at approximately 2.05 pm (SG time) on Saturday (19 January).

The serviceman was participating in Exercise Thunder Warrior, at Waiouru Training Area, New Zealand.

Soon after the incident, CFC (NS) Pang was transferred to the Battalion Casualty Station at 2.25 pm (SG time) where he was assessed and stabilised by the Medical Officer, before being evacuated to Waiouru Camp Medical Centre at 1450hrs (SG time) where treatment was continued.

At 4.10 pm (SG time), the helicopter arrived at Waiouru Camp and CFC (NS) Pang was prepped for heli-evacuation. At 4.50 pm (SG time), he was heli-evacuated to Waikato hospital, Hamilton, New Zealand.

According to the ministry, CFC (NS) Pang was conscious throughout the evacuation and arrived at the hospital at 6.00 pm (SG time) where he underwent surgery, which was completed at 11.40 pm (SG time). He is now being monitored in the high dependency unit.

A follow-up relook surgery which was planned for was successfully completed at 11.00 am (SG time) on Monday (21 January).

The ministry noted that a medical team from Singapore is working with the New Zealand team to provide the best possible care for CFC (NS) Pang.

The Ministry of Defence and the SAF are assisting CFC (NS) Pang’s family during this period.

MINDEF said that it has made arrangements for CFC (NS) Pang’s next of kin to be flown to New Zealand. CFC (NS) Pang’s mother has visited CFC (NS) Pang and spoken to him in hospital; his father and brother has arrived on Monday evening (SG time). They were accompanied by family liaison officers from the SAF.

An investigation is ongoing to determine the cause of the incident.

CFC (NS) Pang is also a professional actor. Therefore, many of his fellow celebs sent him wishes through social medias.

CFC (NS) Pang is managed by Dasmond Koh’s NoonTalk Media. Koh, who is also a TV host, wrote on Sunday, “He got into a very serious injury when carrying out a repair work. It’s pretty bad, hearing from (MINDEF) (judging by what they say). And it was only yesterday. We don’t know what’s the actual update now. We’re still waiting.”

Before heading to New Zealand, CFC (NS) Pang wrote a post on his Instagram account that he may not be able to post much as he was off to serve the country.

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