Low angle view of public housing HDB resident buildings/ flats complex with grass courtyard, trees and dense of apartments during sunset in Singapore. Urban concept. Panorama style from Shutterstock.com

The decline in the Resale Price Index (RPI) of public housing market for the whole year of 2018 is 0.9 percent based on the flash estimate, the Housing and Development Board (HDB) reported on Wednesday (2 January).

HDB stated that its flash estimate of the 4th quarter of 2018 RPI is 131.4, a decline of 0.2 percent over that in the third quarter.

According to the authority, the RPI provides information on the general price movements in the resale public housing market. The transacted prices of individual flats (by block and flat type) can be found via the e-services on HDB InfoWEB.

In 2019, HDB will launch about 15,000 new flats for sale.

For the first Build-To-Order (BTO) exercise to be launched in February 2019, HDB will offer about 3,100 flats in Jurong West, Kallang Whampoa and Sengkang.

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郑国明撰文,译自《网络公民》英语站 我国财政部长在上月18日,宣布在2019财政预算案中,把柴油税从原本每公升0.10元,上调到每公升0.20元,引来德士师傅的不满情绪。 调涨柴油税,犹如对德士师傅们们投下震撼弹,令他们苦不堪言。 在《海峡时报》一篇报导中,一名师傅郑亨利(译音)估计每天的成本至少起四至五元,就算有德士公司的回扣也不足以应付。 对于部长的调税政策,这名师傅还有更贴切的形容:“就像在我们身上划了一大口子,然后想给我点糖果来减轻痛苦。” 划我一口子,给我糖止痛 政府会推出一些津贴或回扣,但那些只足够大家渡过一开始的艰难时期,剩下的,就是要人民自己想办法。 去问问老百姓,大家都会告诉你,柴油税起到两角,几乎会影响各行各业的经商成本,间接推高生活开支,这些成本压力最终还是会转嫁到人民身上来承担。 例如德士公司之一的百胜集团(Prime Group)主席梁南兴,就坦言调涨柴油税德士业者受到的冲击最大,相比下公司的回扣才两块钱,但是柴油税可以让双班次的德士师傅,每天的运营成本增加六元。 即如以往,政府会借助《海峡时报》来为政策背书。 其中一名《海时》交通课题通讯员,采访官委议员特斯拉博士,这篇文章题为《柴油税调涨料对公交费用影响甚微》,理由是调涨额不到柴油价格的10巴仙,且在政府的费用计算公式中,能源指标仅占其中的10巴仙。况且,能源因素还要分为电力价格和柴油成本,从而稀释了柴油税调涨的影响。…

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