Pictures of ‘Jus Al Sunnah Gold 1001 Khasiat Jus Alternatif’ (Source: HSA).

Members of the public were alerted not to purchase or consume two fruit juice products, ‘Jus Al Sunnah Gold 1001 Khasiat Jus Alternatif’ and ‘Jus Al Sunnah 1001 Khasiat Jus Alternatif’ as both fruit juices were found to contain potent medicinal ingredients when tested.

In a press release on Thursday (27 September), the Health Sciences Authority (HSA) stated that five patients, including a child, developed serious steroid-induced side effects such as Cushing’s syndrome and uncontrolled diabetes after taking ‘Jus Al Sunnah Gold 1001 Khasiat Jus Alternatif’.

The authority also advised members of the public to consult a doctor if they are taking ‘Jus Al Sunnah Gold 1001 Khasiat Jus Alternatif’ or ‘Jus Al Sunnah 1001 Khasiat Jus Alternatif’ as they have been tested to contain potent steroids.

Pictures of ‘Jus Al Sunnah 1001 Khasiat Jus Alternatif’ (Source: HSA).

Sudden discontinuation of steroids without proper medical supervision can cause serious withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue, confusion and low blood pressure, especially when these products have been taken for more than a few weeks.

Dexamethasone and prednisolone are potent steroids that are usually prescribed for inflammatory conditions and should only be used under strict medical supervision. Long term unsupervised use of oral steroids can cause Cushing’s syndrome (which is characterised by a ‘moon face’ and upper body obesity with thin limbs), increased blood glucose levels leading to diabetes, high blood pressure, cataracts, bone disorders, an increased risk of infections and muscle weakness.

And diclofenac is a potent painkiller and may potentially cause serious gastric bleeding, as well as cardiovascular events such as heart attacks and stroke when used for a prolonged period. It should be used under close medical supervision, especially in patients with underlying heart conditions.

HSA stressed that sellers must immediately stop selling ‘Jus Al Sunnah Gold 1001 Khasiat Jus Alternatif’ and ‘Jus Al Sunnah 1001 Khasiat Jus Alternatif’.

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