Horyou, the social network for social good, and Horyou Foundation is organising its fifth edition of the Social Innovation and Global Ethics Forum, SIGEF, at Suntec,...
NEA Director of Hawker Centres Division, Ms Ivy Ong, wrote a letter to ST Forum today (11 Sep) refuting a media report that hawkers at Our...
In a written reply to Workers’ Party Non-Constituency Member of Parliament, Leon Perera, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong answered that the average Performance Bonus (PB), and the range...
by Tan Wah Piow Today’s Guardian carries a report of the Cambodian PM being condemned as a dictator by the Asean Parliamentarians for Human Rights. “Charles...
Sad to say, I have reached a point in my life that I no longer believe that people in power would tell the truth for altruistic...
The name is invoked ever so often. His thoughts and views are replayed time and again. Even on a topic like gay sex, we cannot escape...
On Sunday (9 Sep), Straits Times Opinion Editor Chua Mui Hoong wrote an opinion piece entitled ‘Why HDB flat dwellers have the best of both worlds‘. She...
Let’s think about the timeline of events: 6 Sept – India repeals Section 377, a colonial-era law that criminalised consensual adult gay sex. 6-8 Sept –...
In the midst of the $600 inspection fee controversy, group general manager of Fei Siong Food Management Joe Sng blamed some of his staff for “mis-communicating”...
At a community event on Saturday (8 Sep), Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong told his residents that more gyms will be open to cater to the...