Labuan Bajo, INDONESIA – A Singaporean tourist was bitten by a komodo dragon in Komodo District in Flores, East Nusa Tenggara Islands, on Wednesday (3 May) at around 8:00am .
Kompas reported, head of Komodo National Park, Sudiyono, said that a tourist from Singapore, Loh Lee Aik (68), was attacked by the komodo when he was taking pictures of the animal eating pork and goat meat supplied by residents in the village.
He didn’t realize there was another komodo nearby, which then suddenly bit him on his left calve.
“When the animal is eating the meat, the tourists then to take pictures from a very close distance,” Sudiyono said.
According to Sudiyono, the residents had forbidden him from taking pictures too close, but Loh ignored them.
Sudiyono said, residents have directly helped Loh and chased away the komodo. He was rushed to a small medical centre to receive first aid treatment, and was then rushed to Siloam General Hospital in Labuan Bajo for intensive care in a military speed-boat. Currently he has to be hospitalised, Sudiyono said.
Komodo dragon is the largest living species of lizard, growing to a maximum length of 3 metres in rare cases and weighing up to approximately 70 kilograms. Apart from its large size and fearsome claws, its mouth also contain many harmful bacteria which can cause serious infection if not treated.
A video of Loh Lee Aik after he was treated for first aid was posted in You Tube by A.Agung NP27

“This is the first incident of human being bitten by a dragon komodo in the past five years,” Sudiyono said.
Sudiyono also informed that the Singaporean tourists had arrived three days ago in Labuan Bajo and from there they had gone to Kampung Komodo in Komodo District. They have stayed for two days in the village.
“I urge tourists who travel the island to see the komodo, to be guided by officers for their own safety,” he advised.

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