One of the largest transportation hubs in Southeast Asia, Interior of Changi Airport. in Singapore, The World’s Top 100 Airports from

Singapore Changi Airport has handled 5.11 million passenger movements in March, a 4.3% year-on-year increase.
Changi Airport Group (CAG) stated that aircraft movements were 2.6 percent higher at 30,920 landings and takeoffs, while cargo shipments saw a robust growth of 10.2% to reach 188,630 tonnes, compared to the same period last year.
“Passenger traffic for the month of March was boosted by traffic growth across all regions,” CAG said. Among Changi’s top 10 country markets, China and India led the gainers with double-digit growth. Strong traffic growth was also observed between Singapore and Asian cities such as Denpasar (+13%), Guangzhou (+18%) and Seoul (+13%).
Among Changi’s top 10 country markets, CAG noted that China and India led the gainers with double-digit growth, adding that strong traffic growth was also observed between Singapore and Asian cities such as Denpasar (+13 percent), Guangzhou (+18 percent) and Seoul (+13 percent).
For the first quarter of this year, CAG said that Changi Airport registered 15 million passengers, 4.7 percent higher than during the same period last year. China registered strong growth of 14%, accounting for about 10% of total passenger movements during this period. Aircraft movements rose 2.0% to 90,540, while airfreight movements registered an increase of 6.2%, totalling 494,180 tonnes.
It added that China registered strong growth of 14 percent, accounting for about 10 percent of total passenger movements during this period. Aircraft movements rose 2.0 percent to 90,540, while airfreight movements registered an increase of 6.2 percent, totalling 494,180 tonnes.
As at 1 April 2017, CAG said that more than 100 airlines operate at Changi Airport, connecting Singapore to some 380 cities in about 90 countries and territories worldwide.
“With more than 7,000 weekly scheduled flights, an aircraft takes off or lands at Changi roughly once every 90 seconds,” CAG added.

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