Source: SPF Facebook page.
Singapore Police Force (SPF) has announced traffic arrangements as Memorial Service of the late Mr Othman Bin Wok will be held at Victoria Concert Hall on 19 April 2017, from 6.30pm to about 8.00pm.
The announcement stated that Fullerton Road, Connaught Drive, St Andrew’s Road (between Parliament Place and Coleman Street), Old Parliament Lane, Empress Place and Parliament Place (between Supreme Court Lane and St Andrew’s Road) will be closed from 12pm on 19 April 2017 to 2am 20 April 201 to facilitate the security arrangements for the Memorial Service.

Traffic is expected to be heavy along the following roads during the above-mentioned road closures:

  • Esplanade Drive
  • Raffles Avenue
  • Stamford Rd
  • North Bridge Road
  • Hill Street
  • High Street
  • Parliament Place
  • Supreme Court Lane
  • Coleman Street

The Land Transport Authority (LTA) would like to seek motorists and bus commuters’ understanding to expect delays in their journeys along the affected routes.
It noted that eight public bus services plying the area will be diverted due to road closures.
It advises members of the public to plan their travel routes in advance. For more information, visit, and .

SPF also advised members of the public not to fly any unmanned aircraft, including drones, into or within the vicinity of Victoria Concert Hall.
It noted that during the road closures, access will only be granted to police and emergency vehicles.
It stated that parking restrictions will be strictly enforced, stressing that vehicles parked illegally or causing obstruction will be towed.

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以优惠价企图骗订金! 网友揭自身经历提醒勿贪小便宜

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肥雄:600元检查费非强制 茨园小贩多不知情

早前,本地美食指南”食尊“(Makansutra)美食家司徒国辉,公开在网站痛批社会企业模式管理小贩中心,小贩们被征收租金及杂费等高达4千元,增加小贩开销,不利谋生。 其中,他也提及小贩必须缴交”硬币兑换服务费”、餐具清洗费和600元的品质检查费等。 不过,管理小贩中心的社企肥雄餐饮管理集团,早前回应有关600元费用,其实是非强制性的顾问费,旨在为有需要小贩提供专业服务,协助维持食品质量和卫生标准。 同时,小贩可自由选择50元的硬币兑换费服务,肥雄集团也澄清,是下属在与小贩沟通上出现信息误解。 “网络公民”记者在本月10日,前往肥雄集团管理的后港茨园小贩中心。国家环境局把该小贩中心的管理责任,外包给肥雄集团。 根据不愿具名的小贩透露,她有缴交600元的检查费,不过他强调,自去年起管理层就已开始征收检查费。去年收费高达700元,不过今年基于某些原因降价了。 至于50元的硬币兑换服务,不管有无用上,都必须缴交。她指着一个故障的自动付款机说:“如果这个还能运作,我们也要还钱。” 小贩:检查费列在合约内 另一煮食摊位则告诉“网络公民”,对于品质检查服务非强制毫不知情。记者告诉该小贩,肥雄管理层已向主流媒体澄清,检查费不是强制的,他则回应,如果在合约里列明必须支付,小贩们没得争议。 椰浆饭食摊的员工则指出,管理层从未告知有关费用是选择性的,只要费用被列在合约中,小贩要租摊位,就得支付。 烤肉摊东主则直言,既然列在合约里,小贩们没得选择,除非干脆不签合约。不过,他认为在茨园租小贩摊位,比起向私人咖啡店租摊位更加便宜。 然而相比之下,若小贩在由环境局直接管理的小贩中心经营,平均开销上,还是比社企管理的茨园小贩中心较低。…

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