Source: Screengrab of The Straits Times video.

An SMRT bus and a white Toyota Sienta Uber car collided at a junction near Marina Bay Sands on Tuesday (11 April) injuring three people.
The accident occurred at the junction of Raffles Avenue and Temasek Avenue.
According to The Straits Times (ST), the SMRT bus was empty as it had just come out from a terminal nearby.
The Uber driver, a 46-year-old man, was taken to Raffles Hospital with abrasions, while the two female passengers, both aged 30, was taken to Singapore General Hospital.
According to Channel NewsAsia (CNA), one of the passengers suffered an internal injury, while the other had abrasions.
Mr Nicholas Chew, a 25-year-old public relations executive, was in another Uber car when he saw the bus in the middle of the road.
He told ST that the bus was blocking the entire road so cars could not get on the flyover beside the Helix Bridge. The video taken by Straits Times on site shows the bus, ad the car in the middle of the road, with traffic police guiding the traffic flow.
“Beside it, there was a very badly banged up car. A lady was being tended to by paramedics,” he added.
Land Transport Authority (LTA) alerted road users on its Twitter account to avoid the left lane on Raffles Avenue towards Raffles Link, after Bayfront Avenue, as there had been an accident.

SMRT’s vice president for corporate information and communications, Mr Patrick Nathan, said that the accident occurred at around 2pm. The bus that was involved in the accident was SMRT bus service 171.
He told ST, “There were no passengers on the bus and the bus captain did not suffer any injuries. The driver and two passengers on board the private car were taken to the hospital. We have reached out to the three. We are investigating the accident.”
Investigations into the accident are ongoing.

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