Land Transport Authority (LTA) has announced that it will open the Tuas Viaduct from 6am on Saturday (18 February) to enhance transport connectivity to businesses in Tuas.
LTA said that the 4.8km long viaduct is the first integrated road – rail viaduct and part of the Tuas West Extension project. The viaduct will provide an alternate route to Tuas South by allowing motorists to by-pass the at-grade Pioneer Road. There will be five ramps (two up-ramps and three down-ramps) along the viaduct.

Source ; LTA.
Source : LTA.
It noted that new directional signs will be placed to guide motorists. Traffic marshals will also be deployed to help direct motorists. Motorists are advised to plan their routes in advance and follow the traffic signs and traffic wardens on site to help them navigate to their destination.
According to LTA, the completion of the viaduct will support longer term developments within the Tuas area, including the future Tuas Port, as well as other upcoming industrial developments within the Tuas, Tuas South and Pioneer areas.
It also said that works on the four MRT stations of the Tuas West Extension – Gul Circle, Tuas Crescent, Tuas West Road and Tuas Link, have also been completed. Following the completion of train testing works, LTA expects to open the stations for passenger service in the second quarter of 2017.

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据英文报《海峡时报》报导,教育部兼人力部高级政务次长刘燕玲于昨日(5月7日)国会中说明,未来有望参照目前短期清洁女佣试验计划,将此服务带入看护服务中。 昨日国会中淡滨尼区议员朱倍庆以及丹戎巴葛议员杨益财,向人力部提问有关短期外籍女佣计划延伸至照护服务中,而次长刘燕玲与国会中也指出,该项服务仍需取决于市场需求。 议员朱倍庆询问人力部是否应提供短期工作许可证给外籍女佣,方便中介公司能够根据所需家庭的时间调正其工作天数。 次长刘燕玲则说明,人力部于2017年9月推出家庭服務計劃(Household Services Scheme),让外劳能够在短期内特定的家庭调整其服务时间。 与一般外籍女佣不同,短期外籍女佣服务是由服务提供公司如清洁公司直接聘请,且会有更长的合约工期。 刘燕玲也指出,他们也会被安排在公司提供的住所而非特定家庭中,可以同时在不同的家庭提供服务。 丹戎巴葛议员杨益财则认为,以上服务目前仅供清洁公司使用,他促请部长将该服务延伸至照护服务当中。而次长刘燕玲则回应,部长会将其列入考量。 “我向两位议员(杨益财与朱倍庆)保证人力部已准备将该项服务措施延伸至照护服务中,与卫生部合作,提供临时护理服务。”他表示。 杨益财也询问刘燕玲有关给予两年工作许可证的合理性解释。刘燕玲则回应,两年的工作许可证可以提供外籍女佣有足够的时间还清中介公司的贷款,他们通常需要先还清中介公司帮助他们申请的费用与开支,而这些钱都会在工作的前几个月进行偿还。 她还解释,外籍女佣与服务公司可能也需要时间建立工作关系,公司可能会需要更长时间来为他们进行训练,所以提供两年的工期是必要而且有助于稳定其雇佣关系。

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