The Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) has appointed Mr Loy York Jiun to be the new Executive Director to take over from Mr Seah Seng Choon with effect from 1 January.

Mr Loy was earlier appointed as Deputy Executive Director on 1 April 2016. He has held various senior appointments within NTUC where he was Director for the Corporate Planning Secretariat. He also served as the General Manager of South West CDC from 1999 to 2001.
Mr Seah who had served as Executive Director since 2002 and has been re-employed as an advisor. During Mr Seah’s tenure as Executive Director, CASE implemented the Consumer Protection (Fair Trading) Act (COFTA) and the Lemon Law which took effect in 2004 and 2012 respectively.

Mr Loy commented on his new appointment, “CASE has been playing a critical role as a consumer advocate and champion with Seng Choon as its most visible face.”
“I hope to build on Seng Choon’s good work and the strong foundation that he has laid. I look forward to working with our dedicated group of volunteers and staff, as well as Government and industry partners, to strengthen consumer protection in Singapore and in particular, consumer education,” he added.
President of CASE and Member of Parliament for Mountbatten, Lim Biow Chuan thanked Mr Seah for his contributions to CASE.
He added that it is important that the organisation continue to build on work in protecting consumers’ interests.
“I am confident that York Jiun will be able to take CASE to the next level of excellence and I look forward to working with him in the future,” Mr Lim said.
CASE is a Government Organised Non-government Organisation (GONGO) in Singapore which is supposed to look after the interest of Singapore consumers, however as it is headed mostly by MPs of the People’s Action Party since its formation, it has largely served its role as a superficial organisation to give an impression that rights of consumers are protected in Singapore. The Sim Lim Square saga is a clear indication at the inept and passive nature of the organisation as the shop in question had 28 registered complaints with CASE prior to the incident with the Vietnamese tourist making international news.

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