A policeman stood beside deceased body (Source : Batam Pos).

A 67-year-old man, Mohamed Isa Bin Omar, was found dead in his rented room in the boarding house Lai-Lai, Nagoya, on Tuesday (6 September) around 3:00 pm local time.

Batu Ampar Police’s crime investigations unit chief Adj. Comr. Kahardani said to local news media, Batam Pos, that he was alerted to the incident by the owner of the house, Armin Wijaya.

Responding to the alert, the Batam Police immediately went to the crime scene and found that the door was locked. “At that time, along with the owner of the boarding house, we broke down the door and found the victim was lying on the floor,” he said.

There was blood on the floor of the victim’s room and two machetes were lying on the floor, said Kahardani.

However, he said he could not say whether there were any signs of violence on the deceased’s body since the coroner has not made any reports yet. However, he said that it can be determined from the condition of the body that the deceased has been died for more than 48 hours.

The receptionist of the house, Linda, said suspicion grew when one of the cleaner, Bobi, passed the room and smelt a foul odour from it. He reported the issue to the owner, who then alerted the Police.

Around 6.30 pm that afternoon, Mohamed Isa’s body was brought to Bhayangkara Hospital by ambulance. The cause of the victim’s death has not been determined yet. The investigation is still ongoing.

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