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Netizens dissapointed at TODAY’s insensitive comment on the performance of Team Singapore



Netizens were disappointed when local newspaper, TODAY published a couple of articles on the results of Team Singapore in the Rio Olympic 2016 and said how “the Singapore athletes put up an overall disappointing campaign”.

The article wrote,”As the euphoria from Schooling’s groundbreaking achievement in Rio — a first-ever Olympic gold, Olympic record in the 100m butterfly (50.39sec), beating American great Phelps – dies down after a whirlwind five-days of Schooling-mania, it is time to take stock of Team Singapore’s overall performance at the Olympics.

Sadly, in spite of the pre-Games hype, the fact is that, in the end, it was only Schooling who delivered on the world’s biggest stage, as Singapore’s athletes put up a disappointing overall campaign in Rio.”

While the athletes did not manage to win any medals, but many commented that they are proud of the athletes for simply there, representing Singapore at the Olympic games. Especially for many of those who had to take time off their work and other commitments, simply to train for the games.

Here are comments from the netizens who were disappointed by how Today Online choose to portray the athletes from Team Singapore who didn’t manage to clinch a medal during the Rio Olympic.

  • “That’s a bit harsh. I don’t think that Singapore’s athletes put up a disappointing campaign. I think that they did well on their own terms and deserve recognition too.Jia you, Team Singapore!” wrote Mitchell Sia.
  • Teo Jun Hao said, “The Writers should be fired for writing such harsh article!”
  • CB Kia wrote, ” Kxxxxx lah admin of Today , if you so good why don’t you go participate #SupportTeamSingapore!”
  • “It would be good if TODAY get themselves acquainted in the Olympic Creed before LITERALLY SPROUTING NONSENSE!‘The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.’

    Our own athletes did well! They fought the fight! Well TODAY’s journalist hide behind computer screen and critique!” Meminion said.

  • “Team Singapore — you guys did great! Thank you for allowing the name Singapore to come over the loudspeakers in Rio.Now, onto what I want to say to TODAY…

    The use of the word “disappointing” is what’s disappointing. Seriously??? All the athletes who competed in the Olympics are winners, regardless of the medals they won or didn’t win. They qualified to compete in Rio, while I sit here in Singapore and cheer, and get inspired by their human spirit.

    When we are trying to be an example to ourselves and also young children and youngsters, by saying & demonstrating that “to try your best in your chosen field in itself is the best competition regardless of the outcome”… here comes TODAY and uses the word “disappointing”. This is the biggest disappointment, when your own newspaper calls you disappointing.

    How do we expect people to give anything a shot with such disappointing journalism?” wrote Hema Ramasamy.

  • Jonathan Lim said, “@today. For the sake of Mediacorp u better apologise for what you have written. All athletes put in time effort and their youth into the sport. Medals do not drop from the sky. You Mr Editor, get to become an editor thru hardwork too. Imagine you got shot down early in your career, with people telling you that you don’t make the cut. Have some compassion and empathy. These folks who represent us on the international stage have tried their best. Stop Bashing them up and making them feel Singapore community only support winners.All the way for Team SG!”
  • Rachel Jiang wrote, “Disappointing overall Olympic campaign? I don’t think that’s very nice. They did their best, didn’t they?”
  • Juliana Jamaludin said, “You mean Saidah,the one n only rower to represent Singapore in the Olympics,is disappointing?she managed to advance to the next roundlah..just not enough to win her medals but her efforts was far from disappointing..”
  • “In other news……..RIO REPORT CARD: In the end, none of the journalists delivered on the world’s biggest stage, as Singapore’s journalists put up a disappointing overall Olympic coverage,” said Darryl Kang.
  • Kelvin Lam said, “Disappointing? One overall ,never before, record breaking , GOLD, and beating the legendary greatest swimmer of all time , is an overall disappointment?The only disappointment I saw this Olympics is the standard of journalism.”
  • “Million and one ways to write an article. Can I say it’s ‘disappointing’ that it was written this way?And, what’s with the ‘overall grade’ thing. On what grading criteria is it based on? Based on bell curve is it? B- can be not a bad grade also, why is B- disappointing? Must it be A+ to be considered a great achievement. Seriously, so done with this article.

    What kind of twisted mindset does the writer have? This whole emphasis on grades is ridiculous.

    What is true is that Singapore can do much more for our local Athletes. Why is it not addressed in this article? Why not address the personal hardship and pain each athlete went through in the Olympics?

    This is going to deter Singaporeans from joining sports even more. Because it’s all about the medal. No medal, you are useless. Goodbye to future sports in Singapore. RIP

    Article Grade: D,” wrote Kong Tin Jun.

  • Richmond Loo Chuan Loon wrote, “what the hell are you talking about!??? Team Singapore DID THEIR BEST!!!! They trained so hard, sacrificed so much to bring our flag there, and you think that is DISAPPOINTING!??? Let’s see you hang with them for 1 day of training? Forget it, you can’t hang with them….#todayyouspoilpeoplesday.”
  • Lousy writer and editor. Disappointing? What report card? On your disappointing attitude towards our athletes who competed in the Olympics.??
    That in itself is a huge achievement that you silly reporters seem not to understand. You guys are not fit to write at all.
    What a great shame to your profession!
    Pls learn to understand that winning isn’t the ultimate everything. Winning is wonderful, fantastic, rewarding, wonderful for sll the hours and discipline put in.
    But the journey that taught these athletes discipline, self-control, patience, great work etchics, empathy, teamwork, respect, humble, dedication and many more is equally important, this in itself made them winners, something that you cannot learn or understand from a classroom or from behind a reporter’s desk.
    Go and take up some competitive sports first before you write another disappointing article.
    Lots of respect to all the athletes for representing Singapore. We are very proud of you guys.
    Looking forward to #teamsingapore in your future competitions,” said Zee Utchenik.
  • Khairu Rejal said, “Hey Today, as a Singaporean – I am proud of all our athletes. We are all Singaporeans and we are proud when someone steps forward to put on our colours at the global level. The results are secondary to the effort and determination. I wished your editorial staff share the same values.”
  • Hey, your heading is very inappropriate. As a reader, an ex-Team Singapore athlete myself and an audience watching tv at home, I feel angry reading this bias article. Yes some athletes underperformed but some delivered personal best too. Please don’t make such sweeping statements and discredit the rest of the athletes. Gives a very negative image of Today articles,” wrote Wee Key.
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