A traction fault along North-South Line on Saturday evening, caused the train service to be disrupted for close to two hours between Woodlands and Kranji MRT stations in both directions.

At 5.47pm, Train operator, SMRT announced on its twitter account that there is no train service on the North-South Line between Woodlands and Kranji MRT stations in both directions, due to traction power fault.
The transport operator also shared that free bus bridging service is activated for the service disruption.

At about 7pm, SMRT announced that train service between Kranji and Admiralty stations was resumed with longer travel time due to the high number of passengers.
The most recent train fault for the affected stations was on 4 August 2015, where passengers had to disembark from a stalled train at Marsiling station, which was pulled out of service.
Photos posted by Mohd Fais show commuters walking on the tracks with a train stopped away from the Kranji station.
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