
Lee Hsien Loong pap60 party rallyIn a surprising disclosure in Parliament on Monday, 13 July, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said the Electoral Boundary Review Committee (EBRC) was formed two months ago.

PM Lee also said the committee is currently in deliberation and will submit its report when it has completed its review.

Mr Lee has instructed the committee to reduce the average size of the Group Representation Constituency (GRC) to 5, and to have at least 12 single-member constituencies (SMCs).

Member of Parliament, Arthur Fong (PAP), and non-constituency MP Yee Jenn Jon (WP), had filed the questions asking PM Lee if the committee has been formed.

The Committee normally publishes an updated list of electoral divisions just before elections are called, and is appointed by the Prime Minister.

Mr Yee also wanted to know who the committee members are, when its report is expected to be published, and how much time will elapse between the report’s publication and the calling of an election.In an interview with the Straits Times, Mr Fong said that it was “natural to ask the question” and he also added that he intends to ask Parliament what guidelines the committee would follow.

He also told media that the government should make it a point to announce the panel’s formation, so Singaporeans and those in the political scene can have a better idea of when the polls will be held.

The next general election must be held by January 2017.

“As per past practice, the Committee is chaired by the Secretary to Prime Minister. It is now in the midst of its deliberations and will make its recommendations to me when it is ready,” Mr Lee told Parliament.

In a TODAY newspaper report in January, Mr Lee was reported thus:

“Hinting that the next General Election could be some time away, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said the Government has not had time to think about setting up the Electoral Boundaries Review Committee – often seen as one of the final steps in the run-up to polls.

The next GE must be held by January 2017. Speaking to the Chinese media in an interview on Thursday, Mr Lee said the Government is preoccupied with the SG50 celebrations this year and hence, has had no time to think about when to set up the committee. “When it’s set up, everyone will know,” he added.”

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