Singapore’s total population has risen to 5.47 million people, from 5.40 million in 2013.
This was revealed by the National Population and Talent Division (NPTD) in its Population Brief report on 25 September.
“The total population grew by 1.3% from June 2013 to June 2014, the slowest growth rate in the last decade,” the NPTD said.
It also revealed that the citizen population grew at the same pace as last year to 3.34 million, with citizen births and immigration.
The citizen population continues to age, with 12.4% aged 65 and above compared to 11.7% last year.
The permanent resident (PR) population remained at 0.53 million.
Growth in the non-resident population has also slowed, to 2.9%, down from 4.0% in 2013.
This is due to “concrete steps taken to slow the growth of our foreign workforce to a more sustainable pace,” the NPTD, which i under the aegis of the Prime Minister’s Office, said.
It said that going forward, “businesses will face atight labour market” as Singapore restructures its economy.

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