Mr Ayman Aloul’s YouTube channel

By Howard Lee
You’ve heard of the ice bucket challenge in support of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The movement has taken over the world and raised millions for ALS research.
But there is now a new way to dump stuff on your head – a new bucket challenge, but instead of ice water, rubble.

People around the world accepting the Rubble Bucket Challenge.
People around the world accepting the Rubble Bucket Challenge.
The “Rubble Bucket Challenge” was launched in support of people in Gaza suffering from Israeli air strikes, which destroyed their homes. And instead of a bucket of water and ice, the campaign is calling on people to pour buckets of sand and rocks over their heads.
The challenge appears to have been started by Gaza-based journalist Ayman Aloul, but the Rubble Bucket Challenge Facebook page indicated that it might have been originated by Ms Maysam Yusef, who is seem recording a thank you video.
Nevertheless, it was Mr Aloul who put a lot of sense into why rubble was used in mimicking the ice version.
“I liked the idea of the ice bucket challenge, so I decided to invent the Palestinian version. We looked for a bucket of water; however the use of water is more important than to empty over our heads. And even if the water is available it is difficult to freeze it.”
As rubble was all around following the bombings, Mr Aloul decided on using that instead.
The campaign seems to be aimed at raising awareness about the situation in Gaza, but also saw participants claiming to have made donations to the humanitarian effort. At time or publishing this article, The Facebook page has garnered more than 8,800 fans, and Aloul’s video has garnered more than 310,000 views.
However, some comments online indicated that not all were as enamoured with the campaign, as Gaza is still in dire straits.
Nevertheless, it was a refreshing take on the Ice Bucket Challenge.
Below is Mr Aloul’s Ruble Bucket Challenge.
[youtube id=”duSBig1-VUA” mode=”normal”]
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