Image – Pink Dot 2014 Ambassadors (clockwise from left) Sebastian Tan, Campaign Video Director Leon Cheo, Janice Koh and Brendon Fernandez.
Pink Dot 2014, Singapore’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) event, will be held on 28 June at Hong Lim Park, and the organising committee has promised new Ambassadors, a community-focused campaign video, and a more interactive and reflective atmosphere.

Pink Dot spokesperson Paerin Choa giving a presentation on the event.
Pink Dot spokesperson Paerin Choa giving a presentation on the event.
The three new Ambassadors who have lent their weight for the event include Sebastian Tan, better known by his stage alter ego as Broadway Beng; Nominated Member of Parliament Janice Koh; and Brendon Fernandez, host for documentaries and current affairs programmes for Channel NewsAsia.
This year’s campaign video also features more than 40 Singaporeans from all walks of life, weighing in on the question: What Does The Freedom To Love Mean To You?
Directed by up-and-coming film-maker Leon Cheo and titled “For Family, For Friends, For Love”, the video features LGBT and straight Singaporeans coming together to share their sentiments about Pink Dot and their wish for a more open-minded and inclusive Singapore.
While seeing the return of familiar elements like the community tent and the Pink Dot Concert, the event will also feature a new segment called Community Voices, where members of the LGBT community and supporters are invited to share stories, talk about personal challenges, and touch on their hopes and dreams. This will take place an hour before the Pink Dot Concert starts.
The event will, of course, end with the formation of the giant human pink dot. Participants are invited to bring along their pink torches and lights for the finale.
“We would like Pink Dot 2014 to be an opportunity for Singaporeans – both LGBT and straight – to take stock and reflect on the changing landscape that has come about in recent years,” said Paerin Choa, spokesperson for Pink Dot Sg. “Even as we celebrate the positive changes we as a community have brought about, we remain cognisant that more still needs to be done before we can truly consider ourselves an equal and inclusive society.”

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