The Online Citizen will be featuring a series of interviews with some of the Indian workers who have been deported back to India due to their alleged involvement in the riot at Little India on the evening of 8th December 2013.  The first interviewee is Sri Rangan Pandiyan, 26 whom we visited at his village. Interview was conducted in Tamil and interpreted through a local NGO staff.
Dinner with friends gone awry
On the night of the Little India Riot, Sri Rangan Pandiyan, 26, went to Little India to catch up with his friends over dinner at Veerasamy Road. In the midst of dinner at approximately 9.30pm, he heard a commotion coming from the outside and was being informed by outsiders that there was an Indian national killed by a bus on the main road.
After finishing his dinner at about 10.30pm, Sri was on his way back home when he witnessed a crowd congregating near the accident site but did not stay to be involved and instead bypassed the crowd and continued his way back home. “I didn’t wait there,” he said, “I only saw the big crowd.”
He then arrived at his house in Jalan Kayu at 11.30pm.
Two days passed without a problem but on the 11th of December, 2.30am in the morning, the security officers called him down and 3 policemen came to bring him to Outram Park Police station.
Immediately, a policewoman at Outram Park Police Station interrogated him. “She asked questions like: What time were you there? Did you commit any crime? Were you involved? Did you drink? Did you fight?” He said he answered her honestly and told her his story and that he was just passing by and did not get involved. He added that they did not scold him because he was obedient and answered all their questions but note that they (the police) were scolding other people.
Sri was kept in the station for 6 hours until 8.30am before getting to leave the station. Just before he left, the police asked him to sign a statement, in which they said was “first hand information recorded from what (he) told (them)”. It was written in English so Sri did not understand a single word in the statement as it was not translated for him.
Turning Point

Two days later, the police called Sri’s supervisor to inform him that he had to go back to the police station again. He was sent to a room where he saw 20 other foreign workers being kept inside as well. The police went around to take their work permit and phone without any explanation. “There was this man that asked if his work was being affected by his stay in the police station, but the policemen did not reply him.”
When some of the workers asked to see their statement with the police, the policeman told them that if they “said the same thing (they) said the first time, then (they) will be able to go back”. They did not let the workers see their statements. After this, Sri was sent to a waiting room with 60 workers.
All of them were separated into groups of 5 before getting on mini buses that were ready to transport them to the ICA (Immigration & Checkpoints Authority of Singapore) building. On the way there, the police officer in charge of Sri’s bus told them that they will “confiscate (their) work permits and (they) will have to go back to India”.
Planned rooms with authorities

In ICA, they were brought to different rooms with different agencies in them – for instance, a room for Ministry of Manpower and another room for medical checkups. “I felt like this was all pre-planned,” he said firmly, “after the medical checkup we were sent to some sort of jail in the same building. The India High Commission of Singapore was also there to identify the workers and confirm their names.
They were then brought to see the judge in groups of 5. “The judge told us that he does not know if we did it or not but we are still going to be sent back to India,” he explained, “a few workers asked about it but the judge said it was a command.” The authorities did not show them any evidence before deciding their departure and deportation back to India.
When asked about who is this judge he is referring to, he said that this person was from the Commission of inquiry.
No evidence shown with judgement

After the visit to the judge, they were not allowed back home Sri had to call his friends to help him bring all his personal belongings to jail.
In the 2 days that they were in jail, they did not have a right to appeal or a right to a lawyer and they were not allowed to call back home. He knew exactly what purpose he was kept – they thought he was involved in the riot and were ready to send him back home to India.
When asked about his feelings now that he is back in India, he says that he “still feels like (he) is in jail”.
“I really want to go back to Singapore but I am not sure if I can or not. The lady on the van (on the way to ICA) told us that after a year we can go back if ICA sends us a letter. I hope that is true.”
*Editor Note – Some of the readers were asking how we got the address of the deportees. It was thanks to the help of the Non-Government organisations (NGOs) that we managed to locate and speak with the deportees.
Short segment of the interview with Sri Rangan Pandiyan

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砂商家获准证卖鞭炮 仅限十五种

在新加坡,政府自70年代就制定《危险烟火法》,严禁民众使用和拥有烟火,民间团体若要燃放,也许获得政府核实安全标准是否合格才能批准。 不过在马来西亚砂拉越,当地有商家获得准证,在佳节期间公开贩售鞭炮。 根据马国《星洲日报》采访古晋警区主任,证实该警区约发出了十余张售卖鞭炮烟花的执照,不过仅限佳节期间如农历新年、开斋节、达雅节和圣诞节时使用。 这些执照有期限,执照有效期至元宵节,且只限出售十五种鞭炮,包括传统顺利红炮和烟花。商家要向内政部批准的代理公司申请,待对方批准后,商家再向警方申请执照。 不代表民间能公开购买 不过,马国总警长弗兹在受媒体询问时又表示“毫不知情”,又强调不是所有鞭炮都可以合法售卖,即使持有准证也不例外。 不过,也有当地律师认为,即便商家有合法准证卖烟火,不代表民众可以公然购买。许多社团组织举行庆典,其实都是在无准证情况下燃放,实际上警方也是“睁一只眼闭一只眼”。他劝民众还是不买鞭炮为妙,以免惹麻烦。 就在去年,吉隆坡一家得易购(TESCO)商场公开售卖鞭炮,虽然声称获得警方批准许可,不过最后仍受警方取缔。理由是马国可公开贩售的烟花,仅限“POP-POP”和“HAPPY BOOM”两种,但要贩卖仍需向地方警区申请准证。 在马国,1996年就已出台《鞭炮与烟花禁令》,燃放鞭炮罚款100令吉或监禁不超过一个月,生产“爆炸物”就罚款2000令吉,收藏“爆炸物”就罚款700令吉,拥有“爆炸物”罚款300令吉。


随着政府宣布更严谨的社交安全距离措施,以便防堵冠状病毒疫情传播,包括工人党和马林百列集选区,也宣布将暂停所有拜访居民活动。 跨政府部门抗疫工作小组落实的措施包括,把工作场所和校园外的聚集限制在10人以下、保持一米距离等,并在本月26日晚生效,预计将维持至下月30日。若疫情仍未好转,可能延长实施期限。同时,包括娱乐场所、乐龄活动、宗教活动等也被令暂停。 工人党昨日(26日)发文告表示,有鉴于政府公布的新措施,该党将在这段期间暂停拜访居民活动。 不过工人党议员和市镇会仍会继续到社区为居民们服务,惟服务团队可能缩小至一到两位的志工、职员或是非选区议员等。其他工人党议员在走动选区时也会依循减少人数、注意安全距离的措施。 该党欢迎民众可透过电邮联系选区议员们,也促请民众认真看待政府的社交距离措施,共度时艰。 至于国会议长兼马林百列区议员陈川仁,也在脸书分享一则通告,指依循政府宣布新措施,该区团队也宣布暂停拜访居民的活动,以管控疫情风险。不过他欢迎居民们仍可到会见选民活动见面,惟将做好预防措施。