Ministry of Finance reminds all Singaporeans aged 21 years and above who are eligible for the GST Voucher and have yet to sign up should do so by 31 December 2013. They should have received reminder letters from the Government from 29 November 2013 onwards.

Only those who are eligible for GST Voucher – Cash and GST Voucher – Medisave need to sign up to receive the payments. The eligibility criteria can be found in the annex below. There is no need to sign up for the GST Voucher – U-Save as it is a benefit for the household.

Singaporeans may sign up either:
a) Online at the GST Voucher website (, or
b) By completing the GST Voucher sign-up form available at any Community Centre, Community Development Council or any of the CPF Service Centres located island-wide. All forms should reach CPF Board before 31 December 2013.

In its statement, it states that the Government has disbursed

  • About $652 million in GST Voucher – Cash, and
  • About $210 million in GST Voucher – Medisave.
  • Amount of $45 million to about 800,000 HDB households would have automatically received the GST Voucher – U-Save  in October 2013.

These amounts include the GST Voucher Special Payment, which is a one-off extra GST Voucher payment announced during Budget 2013.

More information can be found at Singaporeans can also call 1800-2222-888 for details on the GST Voucher – Cash and Medisave, and 6671-7117 for information on the GST Voucher – U-Save.

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Annex: GST Voucher Eligibility Criteria

GST Voucher – Cash
To receive the GST Voucher − Cash in 2013, you must fulfil the following criteria:
i) You must be a Singapore citizen, residing in Singapore;
ii) You must be aged 21 or above in 2013;
iii) Your Assessable Income (AI) for the Year of Assessment (YA) 2012 must not exceed $24,000 (i.e. income earned in Calendar Year 2011 as assessed by IRAS);
iv) The Annual Value (AV) of your home (as indicated on your NRIC) as at 31 December 2012 must not exceed $21,000; and
v) You must not own more than one property.

GST Voucher – Medisave
To receive the GST Voucher − Medisave in 2013, you must fulfil the following criteria:
i) You must be a Singapore citizen, residing in Singapore;
ii) You must be aged 65 and above in 2013;
iii) The Annual Value of your home (as indicated on your NRIC) as at 31 December 2012 must not exceed $21,000; and
iv) You must not own more than one property.

GST Voucher – U-Save
To receive the GST Voucher − U-Save (which will be credited to your HDB flat’s utilities account), your household has to fulfil the following conditions:
i) If you own and live in your HDB flat, there must be at least one Singapore citizen owner or occupier in the flat; or
ii) If you partially sublet the HDB flat that you own and live in, there must be at least one Singapore citizen owner or occupier in the flat; or
iii) If the entire flat is sublet to you, there must be at least one Singaporean tenant;


immediate family members living in the same flat must not own or have any interest in more than one property.

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