TOC’s Healthcare Forum discussion

TOC’s Healthcare Forum discussion

On 30th November, The Online Citizen held a healthcare forum at Hotel Rendezvous hosting representatives from 5 political parties, Workers’ Party, Singapore People’s Party, National Solidarity Party, The Reform Party and Singapore Democratic Party. Apart from speaking on the party’s view on the current healthcare system and its plans of improving the system. To view the videos of their speeches, visit here.

The panel of representatives from the parties also answered various questions field by the participants of the forum on the healthcare system in Singapore.

Why are people not raising the issue on Healthcare and doing more?

What is the problem causing the healthcare inflation in Singapore?

Transparency and adherence to Public Healthcare Services

Why do public hospitals charge so much for their beds?

What do the political parties think of preventive treatments as part of the healthcare system?

Why is it that private clinics are not integrated in the public healthcare system and with its medicine not subdisized.

Why are there corporate entities in the healthcare review committee instead of the end consumers of the healthcare system?

Is there a collective effort by the political parties to highlight the healthcare issues?

Is it time to restructure the public healthcare such as classless wards?

Why does the government spend so little on healthcare? What are the reasons given?

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