For the first time ever, Singapore will be participating in the Danone Nations Cup. The Danone Nations Cup is the world's largest international soccer tournament for 10 to 12 year-olds. The 2012 finals will take place in September in Warsaw, Poland at one of the host stadiums of this coming European Championships. At this year's World final, the pioneering Singapore team participating will compete against 39 other countries around the world.

Started in 1998 after the FIFA World Cup in France, it was the first international football tournament targeting 10- to 12-year olds and it brought together eight teams from leading European clubs, offering great experience for the children taking part.

Over the years and subsequent editions, more and more countries have taken part, seduced by the project with a common aim: allowing children from all countries to enjoy a human and sports adventure, whilst at the same time supporting the strategy by promoting physical activity for all. These days the tournament brings together 40 countries each year with a famous football icon, Zinedine Zidane, as ambassador of Danone’s programmes for children.

Believe in your dreams” is the message each edition sends to children throughout the world.

Danone Nations Cup makes as many children as possible live a unique experience and unites children from all over the world around the values of sports and playing football.

Each year, 2.5 million young players, boys & girls, form teams in the towns and cities of 40 countries to take part in one of the 40 DNC national tournaments, with the hope of winning the national final in their country and head for the international final.

It is at the Danone Nations Cup Singapore Finals that the journey begins for our country, with the winners of our National Tournament representing Singapore at the World finals. The qualifying teams for the national final have been notified and details on the National tournament will be released soon.

Over the 12 years of its existence, the Danone Nations Cup has acquired a solid reputation and credibility with football professionals and partner institutions. The DNC, with its rules approved by FIFA, is the biggest international football tournament for 10 to 12-year olds, being commonly referred to as the “World Cup for kids”.

Danone Nations Cup was brought into Singapore by Dr Futbol, a football youth development company based in Singapore. Dr Futbol are elated to work as organiser for the Danone Nations Cup Singapore and give every child in Singapore the chance to experience this event and believe in their dreams.

To get more information on the progress of tournament, a facebook and twitter account have also been launched. Supporters can also be interactive in the main Danone website and post messages and interact with 39 other countries that are participating this September in Warsaw, Poland found at The Singapore site launching soon with full details of the local event!

About Dr Fútbol

Dr Futbol, established in 2011, is a branded football youth development company specialized in improving football from a grassroot´s level in South-East Asia. With offices in Singapore and Spain we are dedicated in bridging Asian and European football, creating a platform for young talents to be discovered, improve and advance as far as they can.

This article is published by The Online Citizen, 20 Maxwell Road, #09-17 Maxwell House, Singapore 069113.

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