On Sep 8, we ran a video showing a worker entering a flooded manhole without any safety device and asked whether there was any breach of work safety rules. (click here – https://www.theonlinecitizen.com/2010/09/is-this-a-violation-of-worksite-safety-rules/)

The Ministry of Manpower responded today with the following letter.

Dear Mr Loh,

We thank you for your useful feedback on 8 Sep 2010. We take the matter seriously and have investigated the case with due consideration for future improvement purposes. The matter was also concurrently brought to the attention of PUB.

We have identified some systemic lapses for the said work and appropriate actions will be taken against the contractor. Despite the impromptu nature and the urgency of the repair work, the contractor has committed to put in other reasonably practicable measures for similar works in the future.

Please contact me at ******** if you need clarifications.

Warmest regards,

Leem Seng Kok
Manager,Ops Planning
Occupational Safety & Health Division. Ministry of Manpower.

“Mr Loh” refers to TOC’s Chief Editor, Andrew Loh, who emailed MOM for its response to the incident.

TOC has replied to the letter asking exactly what sort of ‘appropriate actions’ will be taken. We will update this page as soon as MOM responds.

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