Source : Singapore Grand Prix Facebook page.

The annual Formula 1 Singapore Airline Singapore Grand Prix night race will be held once again on the streets of downtown Singapore, this coming 16 September.

2016 Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix.
2016 Formula 1 Singapore Airlines Singapore Grand Prix.

Keeping with the tradition, 10 religious leaders of various faiths have come together to bless the upcoming Singapore Grand Prix as a sign of religious harmony and hope that the event would be carried out without any glitches or accidents.

The ten religions are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Baha’I and Jainism.

Many say such blessing is a sign of how religions are well respected in Singapore, a Facebook user, commented, “Love this! This is what I call respect and peace for each other’s religion!”

But some noted the hint of irony in the act of blessing the annual event by the religious representatives.


A commenter, Ahmad Khairi Jumali wrote, “Blessing an event which involves alcohol, wild parties, and women in skimpy clothing. Hmmm… I wonder what God has got to say?”


And another, Pulu wrote, “Wonder why should a Blessing Ceremony be made for such International Gambling, Parties, Alcohol, Money spinning, womanising Event. All these contradicts the teachings of Buddha of Lust, Greed, Anger and Delusions and even for all other religions, GOD does not condone such gambling, alcoholism, wild parties and gambling. If it is a charity event or just a sport , it is fine. Such blessing be made better with the World Peace and Sufferings, World health, Cancer patients, the orphans…. Pray for No War, No Child Hunger….and all good cause…:”

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