Train services on the East-West Line from Clementi to Joo Koon were disrupted on Thursday evening due to a train fault.

Apart from the delay, it would seem that there were passengers who were stuck on the train.

SMRT said train services were back to normal at about 8.49pm but passengers on board the faulty train seem to disagree with the said timing. From social media accounts, the service disruption seems to last beyond 9 pm.

The train fault was annouced on its social media platform and free bus service was activated for the service disruption

Apart from exiting the station for free, passengers were also given coupons for free rides. The initiative seems recent because of the running serial number on the coupon.

complimentary ticket
Photo credit – Jason C.


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欺骗海外分销商汇款后不出货 假口罩防护具供应商捞91万元!

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