By Howard Lee
MediaCorp Artiste Zoe Tay and comedian Judee Tan have put their names and faces behind the Sexual Assault Care Centre (SACC), announced by gender equality group AWARE in May this year, by releasing two online videos yesterday.
The videos will be the first of several planned video releases accompanying a newly launched crowdfunding campaign, which aims to raise S$30,000 in support of the SACC.
Donations will go towards building the drop-in centre, where an on-site social worker can assist clients immediately even if they walk in without an appointment.
The videos included interviews with sexual assault victims who related some of the emotions they went through, and how receiving a helping hand, at times by talking to someone and receiving counselling, helped them survive the ordeal.

Sexual Assault Care Centre website
Sexual Assault Care Centre website
SACC is Singapore’s first and only specialist service supporting women who face sexual assault, and was preceded by AWARE’s Sexual Assault Befrienders Service (SABS).
“In 2013, 192 women contacted SABS – a 45% jump from the year before,” said Ms Corinna Lim, AWARE’s executive director.  “This year we have already heard from 124 women, and the demand shows no sign of slowing.  We urgently need donations to refurbish our drop-in centre and continue providing our safe, free and confidential services.”
The crowdfunding campaign, AWARE’s first, was launched last evening at the Crystal Ball, the group’s annual fundraising gala event, which also hosted the annual AWARE Awards, aimed at honouring individuals and groups who have promoted gender equality in Singapore.
Award recipients include two young activists – Vanessa Ho, 26, an advocate for the rights of sex workers, and Theodore Chen, 13, and advocate against bullying.
Law firm WongPartnership received the corporate award for its high proportion of women in senior management positions.
The tongue-in-cheek Alamak Award went to Lim Tit Ming, chief executive officer of the Singapore Science Centre, for a disparaging email he sent to his staff members on International Women’s Day.
SACC also operates a helpline (6779 0282) and email support ([email protected]). The centre provides free legal advice by an experienced lawyer, therapeutic counselling by specialists and befriender services, where a trained befriender accompanies clients to the police station, hospital or court, providing support through processes which can often be difficult and intimidating.
Donations to the crowdfunding effort can be made online at

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估计10万工友所得少于最低薪资 林志蔚:政府渐进式薪制无助改善处境

对于有者不同意新加坡工人党倡议最低薪金制,老本行是经济学家的盛港候任议员林志蔚,发文比较最低薪金制和渐进式薪金模式的差异。 他分析政府推出的渐进式薪金模式把薪资和工作职能绑定,也给了雇主更很多空间“省成本”,且没有考量到劳资之间的权力差异。再者,对于那些无法提升技能的工友,只能继续生活在低工资的处境,“事实上,据我们估计,有10万名工友薪资少于最低薪资,显然渐进式模式对他们无效。” 他在文中指出,最低薪资制尽管不是毫无疑问的好政策,但他是立足于证明,能改善雇员处境的良好开端。而在英美国家,所有的综合分析(meta- analyses)也显示,最低薪资制实则对于雇员就业问题,几乎没有影响。 而近期的研究,也倾向支持最低薪资制,即时薪资涨幅很大,对于低薪工友的就业问题实则带来冲击微小。 过去,本地反对最低薪资制的论述,不外乎认为这将造成雇主不愿聘用更多低薪工友、恐加剧失业问题等。前内阁部长、职总前秘书长的林文兴,曾认为最低薪资并无法改善低收入群体的困境。他也为此议题与巡回大使许通美教授论战。 林志蔚本身也是位经济学家,拥有美国哈佛大学历史学硕士、美国加利福尼亚大学圣克鲁兹分校国际经济学、哲学博士资历,目前也是ESSEC商学院经济学副教授。 不过,他也提出在推出最低薪资政策前,应设定评估框架和独立的最低薪检讨委员会,根据本地的情况作出调整。 至于谁该为最低薪资制买单?有者认为政府会为此付出代价,但林志蔚则解释,实际上他不会带来财政影响,可能由七成由消费者支付更高价格、三成由雇主承担。但他认为,关键在于,要把谈判薪资的权力,从资本方重新分配给劳动力。 “我认为我们可以承担一些费用,来照顾社会上较不富裕 群体,随着消费者比最低薪资工友多,对价格的影响也就减少。”

谴责听证会审问异议者 加国学者声援覃炳鑫

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