As our country turns 58, it is glaringly apparent that Singapore has regressed as a Nation for well over a decade.

Our neighbours, such as Indonesia, have made impressive strides in their economic and social progress, but Singaporeans are probably at their lowest ebb since we achieved Independence.

Our people look on forlornly as the crushing burden of inflation saps the national spirit, exacerbated by a government which only adds to their burdens through incessant hikes in taxes and fees such as GST and S&CC.

Our young see their dream of starting a family diminishing by the day as property prices have become out of reach for many. Our Total Fertility Rate stands at a abysmal historic low of 1.05.

The spate of scandals which has engulfed the government in recent times has only compounded Singaporean woes. Our people’s trust in government has been shattered, and deep cynicism of the elites and the establishment, who call themselves public servants,has set in.The government is bereft of fresh ideas to move our country forward. We have a tired Prime Minister who leads a tired government.

A malaise has set into our Nation.

More than ever, our Nation and people need to reinvent ourselves. The stasis which has permeated our society for many long years must be scrubbed away. The old narratives which the PAP and the establishment trumpet as “stability” must be destroyed. Only when we have the courage to change will we and our next generation enjoy better days. And change must start with the politics of our country.

It is time for Singaporeans to step from the Old into the New.

Let us start our reinvention and renewal this coming Presidential Election and let us make further progress in the next General Elections.

On this 58th year of the birth of Independent Singapore, Peoples Voice wishes all Singaporeans a very Happy and Joyous National Day!

Lim Tean
Leader, Peoples Voice

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