Jacksons International Airport, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea (Gao Jialiang)

The UK Guardian newspaper reported today (26 Aug) that Papua New Guinea has banned all repatriation flights from India after accusing the Indian high commission of a deliberate “deception” that resulted in passengers infected with Covid-19 arriving in Papua New Guinea.

“India must respect Papua New Guinea as a sovereign nation, and not participate in actions involving unscrupulous people to violate our laws and undermine public health and safety measures,” PNG’s police commissioner said in a statement.

“As a consequence of this deliberate show of disrespect against the people and government of Papua New Guinea, there is now an indefinite ban on any further repatriation flights from India.”

“The Indian government allowed some passengers to board the aircraft without undertaking a Covid-19 test,” the police commissioner explained.

As a result, it was found that 4 individuals flying from India to Papua New Guinea were infected with COVID-19.

“We are very fortunate that each of these four people appeared to no longer be infectious, and all other passengers have been tested and returned negative results,” the police commissioner said.

PNG has also stopped Garuda flights flying into the country until further notice. Apparently, a Garuda Indonesia flight originating from India arrived in the capital of PNG, Port Moresby, last Thursday (19 Aug) with 81 people onboard, twice as many as had been agreed to.

Indian high commission did not respond to requests for comment by the Guardian newspaper.

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